Deep State Archives 190614

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Deep State Archives 190614. <br>I save a lot of news articles. <br>These are my most recent. If you want me to continue posting, let me know. <br>If you want older postings or archives from another topic, let me know.

Updated 190617

Disgraced Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Says Now Is The Time To Try And Impeach Trump

“Action should be taken immediately."

Andrew McCabe says it's time to start an impeachment inquiry into Trump

Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe said "that action should be taken immediately," and that it is "beside the point" whether the inquiry results in articles of impeachment.

There's Something You Should Know about the Special Counsel for the OSC That Is Targeting Kellyanne Conway

There's Something You Should Know about the Special Counsel for the OSC That Is Targeting Kellyanne Conway

Sen. Warner: ‘I don’t have the foggiest idea’ what Trump’s tweeting about

Kevin Brase so sad. Intional ignorance.

Judicial Watch: State Department Emails Show Coordination Between Obama State Department and House Democrat Leader on Christopher Steele/Russia - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch: State Department Emails Show Coordination Between Obama State Department and House Democrat Leader on Christopher Steele/Russia
JUNE 12, 2019
‘You’ve been a warrior on these issues, and I look forward to speaking further to preserve and wherever possible strengthen the important work you have done’ – Hoyer aide Daniel Silverberg to Victoria Nuland


Sen. Warner: ‘I don’t have the foggiest idea’ what Trump’s tweeting about

Sen. Warner on Pres. Trump: "If he's going to attack me, it ought to be based on some circumstance in fact. I'm extraordinarily concerned about what the president said."

Susan Rice: ‘We have a president who’s not playing on America’s team’

Fmr. National Security Adviser Susan Rice on Pres. Trump: "The real question is if he’s not playing on America’s team, then whose interest is he serving? Is it just his own personal, political, and financial interests, or is it somebody else’s?"

Grab The Popcorn: Trump Explains 'Reality' Behind Opposition Research To Stephanopoulos

Meadows: A Lot of Whistleblowers Have Come Forward Since Barr, Durham Began Their Investigation - 'Indictments Are on Their Way' (VIDEO)

MEADOWS: Tons of whistleblowers are coming forward now since Durham began his investigation and 'indictments are on their way'!

Team of American Hackers and Emirati Spies Discussed Attacking The Intercept

Operatives at a controversial cybersecurity firm working for the United Arab Emirates government discussed targeting The Intercept and breaching the computers of its employees.

Rep. Nunes Warns FBI Witnesses: 'The Counterintelligence Department Over at the FBI is in Big Trouble' (VIDEO)

BOOM! Nunes warns FBI witnesses that the counterintelligence department at the FBI is in big trouble over Spygate!

Trump-Hating GOP Rep. Justin Amash Sides With Democrats - Votes to Hold AG Barr in Contempt

Fox News Anchor Shepard Smith Becomes Hero of the Resistance, Urges 'Every American' to Read Mue...

Shep Smith becomes the hero of the resistance and urges every American to read Mueller's report for 'ten instances of obstruction of justice'

Judicial Watch: State Department Emails Show Coordination Between Obama State Department and House Democrat Leader on Christopher Steele/Russia - Judicial Watch

BREAKING! Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation today released 18 pages of documents revealing former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Special Coordinator for Libya Jonathan Winer coordinating with then-House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer’s (D-MD) national security advisor, Daniel Silverberg to work on Russia dossier materials provided by Christopher Steele.

Gohmert Blasts Dean: There Are Similarities Between Watergate and Russiagate. Here They Are.

Gohmert Blasts Dean: There Are Similarities Between Watergate and Russiagate. Here They Are.

Christopher Steele: super-spy or dodgy dossier writer? The secret world of the man behind the leaked Trump document

The investigations into Trump russia collusion and obstruction need to end yesterday. This is just a small part of what we have learned with many thanks to JW along with others on the right side of history: Judicial Watch Releases State Department Emails Showing Dossier Author Christopher Steele’s Close Relationship with State 

Judicial Watch: State Department Was Involved in Targeting Trump

Judicial Watch: State Department Was Involved in Targeting Trump

White House counters another Barr contempt vote by claiming executive privilege over subpoenaed documents

Congress wastes our money on whatever and its time on fighting our duly elected president.

Netflix Producer: 'Traitor' McConnell 'as Deep a Threat to the Country as ISIS'

Netflix hates you. Netflix hates that anyone would represent you in Congress or fight for your values. They're no longer hiding it.

Poll: Justin Amash Trails Primary Challenger by Double Digits

Brutal numbers for Amash...

Deep State Behind The Deep State

Alex Newman breaks down the organization consisting of the world’s elites, politicians, as well as corporations who influence foreign and domestic policy in the United States.


Full disclosure. I'm here to warn EVERYONE. Do NOT riot on the streets. Do NOT get caught on the streets when riots occur. The Military is trained and prepared to arrest these individuals and weak minded followers of these individuals. 
We will win this fight against evil. We will teach these children how to be adults. No revolution is necessary. Don't be a hero unless you signed a contract and raised your hand to uphold the law.

We Build the Wall ordered to keep gate open

This is normally done well in advance of a construction project,” said Lori Kuczmanski, a spokeswoman for the International Boundary and Water Commission, which handles waterway issues between the U.S. and Mexico. “They think they can build now and ask questions later, and that’s not how it works.”

Remembering the Crimes of the Powerful Exposed by Wikileaks' Julian Assange

Assange’s “crime” was revealing deep, embarrassing, sometimes deadly, malfeasance by numerous actors, including the U.S. government, the media, the Democratic Party-Clinton machine, and Israel.


Tom Fitten implicates the State Department
