Suggestions on how to serve customers by email when they are looking for property

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All material available to help in the daily lives of real estate professionals is scarce, that's why I decided to write about how to serve a client by e-mail, this article does not pretend to be a rule, but if I had read something similar to a while ago it would have helped me grate



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The day-to-day lessons of the real estate profession are mostly adapted from other areas, and the vast majority of people who try to teach, have never acted as a real realtor, not understanding the peculiarities of the profession. Its adaptations are even interesting, but they don't fit our reality.

I come from a time when there was no cell phone, for you to talk to a client he needs to be at home or at work, the truth is that older brokers were waiting for clients at the sales stand, in a passivity that is unthinkable nowadays.

Today things are different, most customer service is by email, and I would like to discuss some techniques that I use and add some techniques that you also use, so that we can evolve in this technique.

Techniques on how to serve customers by email with an emphasis on the real estate market, 10 tested suggestions.

  • If you receive an email asking for information and have a contact phone number, call within 10 minutes. Make initial contact where your objective is to show the client that he is already being served and that he does not need to look for another broker because you will supply all his needs. He's likely to look for another broker anyway, but I believe you have the ability to convince him that he was lucky to find a differentiated broker.
  • If you do not have a contact phone number, this will be the contact by email that will bring the biggest challenge, and not for that reason the customer can or should be ignored. Your biggest goal is to serve him in a way that he feels the urge to pass the phone when you ask.
  • Never pass amount and form of payment by email, pass notions of values. It is very likely that if the customer knows everything, he will not look for you and will fall for someone lucky and close a deal without asking too much.
  • Ask questions at the end of each conversation, ask questions, try to get the customer to answer you, point out new possibilities, always aim for personal service.
  • Always be as brief as possible, try to answer in a maximum of 3 lines. Nobody has the patience to read long emails.
  • After answering an email, the next day make contact by phone, see if the customer has read your email, he will realize that if you don't answer your emails you will end up calling.
  • If you do not have the customer's phone number and he has not responded, send another email asking what he thought of the product, vaguely indicate an option close to the one he asked for information, highlight a highlight of this option and ask if he would like to know more, don't ever give up.
  • Start your email by being friendly and polite. Ex. Hello Guy, good morning!, make the customer realize that it is not a machine that is answering the email.
  • Do not treat the customer too formally , treating him as a gentleman, doctor, boss, manager or similar ways, it may appear that you feel inferior, use the correct form of treatment, if he asks for, demands or deserves to be treated in a certain way, change the shape.
  • Have an email signature, with full name, phone numbers and the company you work for if applicable. Trust me, you can be saved from approaching a receptionist if she is a good trained professional.

These are the rules I use, after many attempts with hits and misses, today I follow these guidelines as a standard in email service.

If you have any suggestions or even disagree with any suggestions, comment, after all I am always open to new ways of approaching always seeking the best result.



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