The Prayerful Word - February 12

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Romans 5:3-5 …Suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts…

Hosea 6:3 Let us strive to know the LORD. His appearance is as sure as the dawn. He will come to us like the rain, like the spring showers that water the land.

Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Matthew 10:26 So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.

Isaiah 1:18 …Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…

Philippians 2:13 God… works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil His good purpose.

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

May you prepare the tables of your heart as you meet alone with the Lord early each morning, allowing Him to impress the image of His nature upon you, as He reveals and proclaims Who He is, leaving you transformed as He writes large in your spirit that which He wants others to read in your life. Exodus 34

May the revelation of the holiness of God and the experience of the compassion of the Lord bring you to worshipful repentance and humble intercession for yourself and those whom God has placed in your life. Exodus 34

May the people you live among see how awesome is the work that the Lord will do for you, if you obey what God commands you today. He will drive out before you the spiritual foes that resist the work of God and oppose His people. Exodus 34

May you find that you worship the Lord well when you learn to worship Him only. Exodus 34

May you gladly obey the Lord to come away from the schedule of the world at the designated times, eagerly seeking to know Him and to make Him known, acknowledging that He is the Reason behind what you do, and He is the Source of all that you have. Exodus 34

Seek Me, My child, seek My heart. Do not take your eyes off Me. Do not be distracted by manifestations in others, or desire to duplicate the experiences of others.
Consider not that the way I deal with or bring blessings to one is the standard for all. You are not the same as any of My other children, though you receive the same depth of My love and breadth of My forgiveness.
My purposes for you are different than others and My lessons and training in your life are different from others. Encourage them, and be encouraged by them, but do not watch them or follow their path or practice their gifts. Receive from Me, only. Obey Me, only. Seek Me, only.
Share with others what I give you, that they may have confirmation of what I am speaking to them; receive what they share with you, and see if it bears witness with what I have spoken in your heart. Join together with others in praise to and worship of Me, knitting yourselves together in unity and cherishing one another, meeting each others needs and bearing one another's burdens, but do not find your identity in the crowd, for you are Mine, alone.
Do not think you can draw nourishment from other believers without first being in relationship with Me. I am the true Vine, and only I can give you life. You cannot live off the life of others, for there are no parasites in My kingdom.
You must come to Me, you must stand in My light, you must kneel before My throne, you must eat of My body, you must be washed in My blood. There is no other Way but Me, there is no other Redemption but Mine, there is no other Love but that which I give freely and unrestrained when you call to Me.
Come, My beloved, turn to Me to the exclusion of all others, know My passion for you, and grow in the purpose and image I have envisioned for you.

May you keep the sabbath of the Lord holy to Him in your heart, honoring His call to you to trust Him for the safeguarding of what He has given you and the provision of what you need, seeking His face, learning His ways, discerning His will, following His leading, obeying His direction, sharing His love, ministering to His people. Exodus 35

May you gladly give back to the Lord that which He has freely provided you with so that the work of building His tabernacle, ministering to His saints, may be accomplished according to the pattern given from heaven. Exodus 35

May you consider the cost paid for you by Christ Jesus and see His love demonstrated at each step as He voluntarily accepted for you that which no man could legitimately accuse Him of. Offer to Him, then, the appropriate thanks from your heart and praise from your soul because His work was more than sufficient, even for your needs. In this way, you will realize the love of the Father Who has allowed the injury and death of His beloved Son to be the basis of accepting you in, and adding you to, His family of children who call Him “Abba.” Matthew 27

May you not trust in either your resources or your skills, your strength or your wisdom, for what are they before the Lord Who sees all and watches each, having formed every heart and encompasses all they do, choosing as His inheritance the ones who wait in hope on Him. Psalm 33

May you place your hope in His unfailing love, for the eyes of the Lord remain on those who fear Him. Psalm 33

May your heart rejoice in the Lord as you learn to trust in His holy name when you see His unfailing love rest upon you. Psalm 33
