The process of gathering and analyzing data and how it can go wrong.
The people who engage in statistical calculation and scientific experimentation see the process of information gathering and discovery this way:
1. The reality of a particular truth, whatever it is they’re investigating, is hidden (if it wasn’t they wouldn’t need to investigate it).
2. To find that truth, the investigator/researcher must gather and analyze data in such a way that their investigation leads them to that truth in all its reality.
If the investigator doesn’t gather enough data, or if he or she doesn’t assemble and analyze that data in the right way, then their hypothesis simply won’t match the reality of the truth for which they’re searching, i.e., their hypothesis will be dead wrong.
In such cases, the reality of any particular truth can be missed, either by accepting faulty or incorrect data, by not gathering enough data, or by rejecting reliable data as false.
When an investigator or researcher comes to a conclusion that doesn’t match reality (i.e. false), he or she has made what is known in statistical research circles as a ‘Type 1 error.’
What that means is that the truth remains undiscovered and their investigation has failed. So, to miss the truth due to faulty or inadequate research is a Type 1 error, but to reject the truth and believe a falsehood is a Type 2 error.
With that in mind, it is simple to see that there are paid researchers in today's academic and scientific communities who aren't really looking for the truth.
These characters are only interested in "discovering" what they are paid to prove. They're looking to fabricate a predetermined conclusion, and there is always an ulterior motive behind their work.
When they discover some fact that refutes what they are trying to prove, they suppress or ignore that data.
Then there are some who reject out of hand any piece of information that runs contrary to their personal worldview.
America's colleges and universities are largely populated with professors who fabricate their own truth, particularly in regard to the things of God.
Rather than conducting a serious investigation of the facts so as to come to an objective conclusion the way Sir William Ramsay did, they have rejected the Scriptures so as to believe and even fabricate lies and distortions where Jesus Christ is concerned, and they do so to their own damnation.
Likewise, there are "evangelical Christians" all over these United States who no longer believe in absolute truth. R.W.M.
BibleGuy 6 anos
True. And sadly, American seminaries include professors who peddle theological error as well. We MUST learn to be Bereans! Test EVERYTHING....hold on to the good.