Minecraft Cross Platform Crossplay

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Cross-platform play, also known as crossplay, is a gameplay feature that allows players on different platforms (such as PC, Xbox, and PS) to join a common server simultaneously.


Cross-platform play, also known as crossplay, is a gameplay feature that allows players on different platforms (such as PC, Xbox, and PS) to join a common server simultaneously. Then, even though their hardware is different, these players can freely play with each other and give shape to their Minecraft house ideas. So, whether you are on your phone, PC, console, or even VR device, you can play with your friends if your game supports cross-platform functionality.

Moreover, crossplay is directly related to “cross-save” (also known as cross-progression), a feature that enables the players to save and continue their game on any platform without any hiccups. It relies on cloud servers to store your game’s save files, so the local backup doesn’t limit you. A good example of the feature is seen in Fall Guys, a free-to-play game you can access from any device without losing any progress as long as you are using the same account. Now, let’s explore crossplay and cross-progression in terms of Minecraft.

Is Minecraft Cross Platform?

Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang studios. After many early private testing versions, Minecraft was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released in November 2011. Since then, it has gone on to become one of the most popular games in history. Minecraft has been ported to many other platforms and is the best-selling video game of all time, with over 300 million copies sold and nearly 167 million monthly players as of December 2023. But is Minecraft cross platform? Let’s find out!

Minecraft is a procedurally generated 3D world with almost infinite terrain.

In the default Minecraft survival mode, your goal is to extract resources to craft tools and items and build structures and simple machines to help you progress through the game where the end goal is defeating the ender dragon. On the way, you’ll encounter hostile creatures such as Zombies, Skeletons, Creepers, Spiders and more. That’s putting aside the farm animals you can use for resources too!

Why Is Minecraft So Popular?

Minecraft has become more and more popular due to the modding world.

Thanks to mods invented by the Minecraft player base, the game has unlimited potential. From simple mods for cosmetics to some extremely advanced mods such as skyblock and hexit, the game is growing more and more. Alongside this, Minecraft is a very simple block-based game that just on its own has unlimited replayability. There really isn’t a goal that you need to complete, so you can just keep playing.

Is Minecraft Cross Platform?

Yes! Minecraft is available for cross platform play.

Cross platform is when gamers can play a game on one platform with and against players from other platforms. For example, you can play on a PC with your friend who is playing on an Xbox.

The gaming world is evolving, and people want to play games with their friends more often, meaning crossplay is becoming more of a necessity. This is because they don’t really want to buy a new console just because their friend plays a game that they can’t play with them on. In the case of Minecraft, there are two different versions, Bedrock and Java.

Minecraft: Bedrock edition is playable on Windows 10PCs, Xbox One and Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4 / 5, IOS and iPadOS devices, and Android devices.
The Java Edition is much more restricted. Java Edition Minecraft is the original version. Because of this, it is not available for console or mobile and is the only version available for Mac and Linux users.

How To Crossplay On Minecraft

If you play the Bedrock Edition, you can simply add and play with friends cross-platform as long as they are also playing the Bedrock Edition too. This puts Minecraft up there as one of the best crossplay games.

Playing multiplayer on Java is a little more complicated. You’ll need to:

Either use a public server or create your own and invite friends using the server IP.
You can use Minecraft realms, which is a Mojang-hosted multiplayer server for you but it does cost.
You can also play together by sharing a local area network, or LAN. This means you would all have to be connected to the same internet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Cross-Platform Minecraft Server?

A Cross-Platform Minecraft Server is a type of Minecraft server that allows players to connect and play with others on Java and Bedrock. Cross-Platform servers often have a large and diverse player base, and can provide a great opportunity for players to connect and collaborate with others from all around the world.

What are the top 5 Cross-Platform Minecraft Servers?

As of 2024, the top 5 Cross-Platform Minecraft Servers that you can play on are Complex Gaming, CatCraft, LemonCloud, Simple Survival and OneBlock MC.

Can I play on Cross-Platform Minecraft Servers with my friends on Bedrock?

Absolutely! As long as the Cross-Platform Minecraft Server you want to play on has the Cross-Platform tag, you and your friends on Bedrock can play together.

How do I connect to the top Cross-Platform Minecraft Servers?

To connect to the top Cross-Platform Minecraft Servers, you'll need to copy the IP address of the server and paste it into the server address field in the Minecraft client. You can copy the IP address of the server by clicking on the Copy IP in the list above.