The Prayerful Word - March 22

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

John 15:5 Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches.”

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Psalm 107:6 Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress.

Psalm 107:1-2 Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. 2 Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story — those He redeemed from the hand of the foe,

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you.

Colossians 1:28 Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus:

May you take the land of your soul which God has redeemed and given you to live there, cleansing it of the carved stones, molten images, and sanctuaries of idol worship as God directs you, removing the influences of the world, the flesh, and the enemy of God through the truth of the Word, the power of the Spirit, and the proclaiming of your testimony as you cherish and cling to none of these things but yield them to be destroyed in the holiness of the Lord lest they be as cinders in your eye and thorns in your side, causing you to receive the same fate that God has planned for them. Numbers 33

May you be content within the boundaries God establishes, for though the space marked is limited, it is a foretaste of what He has in store, and little is much when God is in it, filling it with abundant life. Numbers 34

May you offer the grace of refuge and fulfill the need for shelter to all who come pursued by their accuser and bearing their guilt before them. Numbers 35

May you be confident of the willingness of the Lord to answer your request and meet your need when you bring it to Him. Luke 5

May you be obedient to the directions of the Lord so that your testimony may reach the people for whom He has given it to you, as when Jesus directed the leper to the priests. Luke 5

May you not forsake the lonely places of prayer lest you forget your Source. Luke 5

When questions arise in your heart may you turn to the Lord for the answers, for He already knows the questions, and He is the answer to what troubles you. Luke 5

May you obey the Word of God as the Spirit speaks it in your heart, for as you do, the problems which paralyze you will be resolved and you will walk in the freedom and liberty of the Lord. Luke 5

May you obey the calling and direction of the Lord with the same alacrity and enthusiasm as Levi did when he left the tax collector's booth and all that he had accumulated both for himself and for the powers he had previously given allegiance to. Luke 5

Be persistent in your prayer, My child, and let nothing distract you from the burden I have given you. You are doing My work, assigned work, royal work, work of the kingdom, as you petition Me for the issues and concerns that weigh on your heart.
You, and each I send to help you, are bearing those to Me who are paralyzed and cannot walk. You often find your way passively blocked, with no ill-will toward you and the burden I have sent you to bring to Me, but without the caring concern I have given you. Do not give up, do not quit, do not say in your heart, “This is all I can do; the way in to the Lord is blocked. I have done my best. God knows my heart; He will do what He wants to do.”
Search out a way. Let My Spirit open your eyes. I will show you the way where there is no way. Man's ways do not allow this, but for the sake of My lambs, I am not bound by convention or tradition. My love will not be stopped by any barriers, walls or roofs that men erect around Me.
Let your faith reach out to Me in the assurance of My will to save and to heal, and break through any obstacles that block the completion of the task you have been given.
Always remain true to Me, never walking in arrogance or pride, for My Name does not give license to push others aside; following the leading of My Spirit will always take you in the way that gives esteem to others, though it appears to lead further from Me.
My wisdom will give you the means and the understanding to see the paralytic saved and healed, rejoicing in Me, and many around amazed and giving praise to God as they are filled with awe.
Do not give up, My child, for you are nearly there.

May you wait before the God of Zion with praise because He answers prayer; therefore all mankind will bring their requests to Him though they are overwhelmed by sin, for He forgives them all. Psalm 65

May you give thanks to the God Who has blessed you to be chosen to come and live with Him in the courts of His tabernacle, for you will be filled with the joy of all the good things that wait for you there. Psalm 65

May the God Who saves you defend you in righteousness from your enemies with dread deeds and awesome power, for He is the only hope of all mankind throughout the world and far away upon the sea. Psalm 65

May the glorious acts of God startle you, and all those around you, even in the farthest corners of the earth as He quiets the raging oceans and stills all the clamor of the nations with the same strength that formed the mountains and causes the dawn and sunset to shout for joy in song! Psalm 65

May God go before you and abundantly enrich the hearts of the people for whom He cared enough to send you so that the hearts furrowed by pain and sorrow will be watered with abundant rain and the Spirit will melt the hardness, causing the seeds you freely scatter to sprout across the land, turning the wilderness to lush, green pastures filled with sheep, the hillsides blossoming with joy, and the valleys carpeted with grain as the world shouts with joy and sings praise to the Lord God Himself. Psalm 65

May you look forward to happiness, like the righteous, unlike the wicked which can only expect wrath. Proverbs 11:23
