Google is Not "The People".

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How can companies like Google, Facebook & Twitter be taught that they provide a Service for us ... not Guidance.

It's now known that Google want's to intefere in the 2020 election. That's not acceptable for any company, no matter what party they are for. Google has ignored the fact that half of the country ... (half of their customers in this country). They want to do the very thing that they falsely claim President Trump did. Project Veritas has now exposed them with a video of a whistleblower, and Google tried to delete it.:,17s


My idea is this:

1) I would call on all conservative companies to do what they can to use alternate browsers. If possible, remove their links from Google. If the creaters of these alternate browsers could develope a way for conservative companies to do that would help.

2) It's been reported that conservative companies are pushed down on the search list, so I would then call upon all conservative people to boycot any company that shows up on the top ten suggested websites that show up on a product search. So if you search for say televisions, then boycot the top ten companies that show up.

3) Finnaly, I would call upon a million conservatives to visit the google campus with a message that we don't approve of what they are doing..


 This is just a few ideas I had after finding out whats going on.
