The Prayerful Word - March 31

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

James 1:12 KJV Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him.

Colossians 4:2 NIV Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

Proverbs 3:31-32 NIV Do not envy a violent man or choose any of his ways, 32 for the LORD detests a perverse man but takes the upright into His confidence.

John 7:38 NASB He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.'

Matthew 16:24 KJV If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.

Luke 19:10 NASB For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.

May the Lord your God bless you in all your harvest, and in all the work of your hands, so that your joy will be complete. Deuteronomy 16

May you bring before the Lord your freely-given gift of glad praise and joyous worship, according to the abundance of the Lord's blessings upon you, remembering those around you through humble service to them, that they may have praise to offer to God, as well. Deuteronomy 16

May you recognize the bribes which come from the world, appealing to the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of life, and refuse to accept any form or fashion of what is offered, for thereby are the eyes of wisdom blinded and the words of righteousness twisted, causing justice to be perverted when partiality is shown. Deuteronomy 16

May you ever honor God as the highest authority, and honor those whom He brings you as teachers and mentors; when you are assigned by God to pour yourself into the lives of others, may you carefully guard yourself from and avoid each thing that would distract you from God and the duties you receive, focusing gladly on His Word, walking joyfully in His Spirit, and serving humbly before His Body. Deuteronomy 17

Seek Me, My child, as for a vital, precious item which you cannot imagine living a day in your life without. Look for Me, My love, as though for that which will safeguard you through the dangers of a battlefield. Pursue Me, My precious one, as if all the riches and treasure required to provide you and those you love a secure and comfortable life was waiting for your arrival.
Search for Me, My worth-while one, as if acknowledging your lack and poverty, your need and desire, your shortfall and requirement, for those who are hungry shall be filled, and those who are thirsty may buy and drink without cost; those who are persecuted shall receive justice and those who have no hope shall be placed in a family and provided a defender and encourager.
If you are rich with this world's goods and feel no lack, I have nothing I can give you. If you are secure in this world's society and feel no pain, I have nothing to offer you. If you are strong in this world's authority and know no fear, I can only promise you destruction.
Only if you know you are sick will you accept what the Physician offers – otherwise His cure will be distasteful. Acknowledge your need and My Father will supply all you require according to His unfathomable riches.
As you seek, first, the kingdom of God in the midst of your poverty of spirit, and His righteousness in the weakness of your flesh, you will find that all which you need will be added to you. If My Father was willing to deliver Me, His Beloved, over for your needs, how will He not also, through Me, freely give you all things?
Do not boast of who you are or what you have, My poor one, but glory in your weakness which brings My strength into your life. Boast of your poverty which brings My treasure into the world through you. Rejoice in your solitary loneliness, My orphaned one, for you are brought before the King of kings and made His ward, even more, His adopted child and given the love that was for so long denied you.
Seek Me, My love, as though you needed Me, for surely you will find Me.

May you give to all whom the Lord brings you food to satisfy their spiritual hunger, for as you look up to heaven and give thanks to the Father, He will multiply what is broken, so yield to the dealings of the Spirit in your heart. Luke 9

May you deny yourself and take up your cross daily and follow the Lord, losing your life for Him, for He will save it. Luke 9

May the Lord deliver the needy who cry out and the afflicted who have no one to help, taking pity on the weak and the needy, and save the needy from death, rescuing them from oppression and violence, for precious is their blood in His sight. Psalm 72
