Academic Essay

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Tips On What To Include In An Academic Essay    


An academic essay is a written exercise students need to complete in order to enhance knowledge gathered on a particular subject. They learn about a topic and then express their point of view. Academic knowledge gained is permanent and would help them understand and solve many problems outside school and college. To fully understand concepts and fundamentals, students should take these written assignments seriously. A good essay is a performance indicator. Students who perform well in academics also learn to compile a good school essay. They learn to adapt to standard methods used in drafting an essay. With some practice, they also learned to identify shortcuts and practical methods that consistently get them high scores.    


Preparation methods should vary as students go from a lower level to a higher level study program. A good college essay would contain more useful content than an essay written in school. The transition comes naturally to students, but they need to be aware that a higher level of understanding is to be demonstrated in their written assignments. For example, MBA students would be considered experts in the field they have chosen to specialize in. They would compile academic essays and coursework on fresh and new topics which would reflect advanced knowledge on the subject.    







Assessors are looking to see if students can generate ideas and expand on theories learned in class. Those who succeed in doing this can compile a lengthy thesis on a new topic. A shortcut can be applied in just three steps. The first is to read over the essay prompt several times and understand the topic. Relate it to content covered in class. If that is not possible, students can refer to several books and internet sources to understand the topic. The next step is to use the same resources to arrive at a sub topic that is very narrowly focused on just one aspect of the topic. Finally, use the resources to elaborate on the sub topic. This is a simple but powerful method that provides scope to expand on any topic.    


It is a standard procedure to list sources used for reference in the bibliography annotated bibliography. Some institutions insist on the minimum number of quotations and references to be made. This is to ensure students spend enough time on research and reading through additional information on the topic. A useful method would be to make a complete list of reference resources even if some would not be used in a particular assignment. It could be useful at a later stage. Students must be aware that including the correct quotes and reference material would also demonstrate their understanding of the topic.    


Reference can be made to different sources for information related to the topic. An academic essay can contain quotes from experts on the topic. It is quite easy for them to find research content and quotes online. They should, however, consider government-backed websites, school or college libraries that have a database of information compiled by academicians. Services of reputed online content providers like could also be used for specific academic essay writing needs or to understand the process of compiling an excellent essay.    







Tourism Essay


Learning Through A Tourism Essay    


Students can write a tourism essay to learn about various factors affecting tourism as a business in different parts of the world. Countries depend a great deal on the influx of tourists on a regular basis. Some places seem to attract tourists with great regularity while some countries have to invest a great deal of money to attract people. They do it by recording and publishing historical discoveries or marketing unique characteristics that would attract tourists. A sudden spurt in tourism could happen if a country holds something unique like the soccer world cup. Some deterrents also exist that can put off tourists. Students must be able to compile an effective interpersonal communication essay based on the knowledge they gain from researching for their essay.    


Let us go through some kingessays factors that can increase or decrease tourism.    







History plays an important role in drawing the attention of tourists. A historical essay would talk of historical monuments, memorabilia, war memorials, castles, forts, and other tourist attractions. These attractions have drawn people towards them. For example, they would love to visit the British Museum which houses the remains of some the sculptured portions of the Great Temple of Artemis. The temple was 425 feet long and 225 feet wide. It is rumored to have taken 120 years to build. People visiting the museum would then be interested in visiting the site where John Turtle Wood, an architect, discovered the temple. In fact, when D.G. Hograth was sent to continue the excavation process started by Wood, evidence was found that five temples existed one on top of the other. A tourism essay providing details of the great discovery would attract many tourists to the place.    


It is also important to understand how tourism would benefit a country. Stability of a currency is measured by its value in the international market. When more money pours into a country through tourism, the currency exchange rate stabilizes. Lack of tourism can actually cause concern, as a currency can get devalued if the trend continues over an extended period of time. It is almost mandatory that countries welcome tourism by creating and developing unique selling points that would attract people. Business tours can also encourage trade between countries. It can all start with a few foreign tourists being exposed to new markets.    






GED Essay Topic Understanding A GED Essay Topic    


A GED essay topic is based on an essay prompt given to students appearing for their General Education Development (GED) test. Dropouts, immigrants, and home-schooled students who have not passed high school have the opportunity to complete the GED program, which allows them to gain entry into college in the United States and Canada. The essay should be written in a minimum of 200 words and has to be completed in 45 minutes. It is therefore important for students to prepare for the essay-writing exercise. Essay prompts offered would never be complicated. There is no need for any reference material, as the topics would be general in nature. Competition is high, so a high-quality education essay would ensure good scores.    


Some useful king essays tips have been listed to help students get over their fear of essay writing and be more consistent in their approach.    


The topic is already chosen for them in the form of an essay prompt, so there is no need to prepare specifically on a particular topic. Essay prompts are clear enough to understand. For example, a typical prompt could be “Is it necessary to be a high school graduate to excel in the workplace?” The topic is easy to understand for students who have not had an opportunity to pass high school. The content is not that important as is the presentation. A GED essay topic demands that students quote examples form their own experience. They had a reason to join the GED program. The urge to advance in life by joining college or qualifying for better job prospects is a strong motivator. The age limit to appear for GED is 17 years. In some cases, it would be 18 years. Students have a wealth of information gained from their personal experiences. The topic should therefore be elaborated upon quoting these examples and effectively elaborating on them. Preparation is the key but not in the traditional sense. It is necessary to work smart and save time. Without reference, content is only part of what assessors would be looking for in an ideal essay. Students need to focus on not making mistakes. Use simple language that is easy to understand. Thoughts must be clear and easily elaborated in the essay. A disjointed GED essay would hurt a student’s chances of getting high scores. The writing test includes answering multiple-answer questions as well as essay writing. Time distribution should be precise and accurate. Students should focus on timing themselves writing on different essay prompts that are easily available on the internet. Emphasis should be on elaborating the essay for a comfortable word count. For example, students may use a style of writing that requires a minimum of 500 words. They can then practice compiling 50word essays for different essay prompts.    







Essays should be compiled with focus totally on the essay question or prompt. Any deviation from the main topic would not be considered. A practical exercise would be to arrive at a probable GED essay topic and ask a professional academic writer to compile the essay.    


King Essays is a trusted online content provider essay tips that has a panel of writers specialized in compiling 100% content on varied topics. They have years of experience compiling high school essay contest material on demand.    




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