The Prayerful Word - April 14

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

John 20:27 [Jesus] said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.

Acts 17:32 When [the council on Mars Hill] heard about the resurrection from the dead, some began to ridicule Paul. However, others said, “We’ll hear from you about this again."

Numbers 11:29 But Moses replied, “Are you jealous for my sake? I wish that all the LORD’s people were prophets and that the LORD would put his Spirit on them!”

John 7:5 For even His own brothers did not believe in Him.

John 13:2 The evening meal was in progress, and the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt.

May you always inquire of the Lord for wisdom, desiring His will, seeking in His Word and waiting in prayer for His guidance, not moving until the cloud lifts from the tabernacle, until the Spirit moves in your heart. Joshua 9

May you be accepting of all who come, submitting themselves to God in the fear of the Lord, turning from the wickedness He has condemned and rejecting the influences they have followed before, even as you have been accepted by Jesus and appointed to good works. Joshua 9

May you not be afraid or discouraged, but be strong and courageous for the Lord will destroy all the enemies you are directed to fight against. Joshua 10

May you always be confident in and trusting on the promises of God, Who is ever willing and prepared to answer when the need arises, with abundance of supply and extravagance of power, that He may demonstrate to you, and all around you, that the Lord, He is God. Joshua 10

May you see and understand during your battle with the enemy which comes against you that more is done by the hand of the Lord than is accomplished by your efforts, for He is the One Who has given them into your hand; that is why none of them are able to withstand you. Joshua 10

May you persistently and completely pursue, engage, and destroy each aspect of the sin which so easily besets you, not being content with a single victory, but determined to follow and obey the Lord in cleansing your heart and purifying the land of your soul, for this is where God will establish His kingdom, and will reign in holiness. Joshua 10

My child, follow the connection of My Spirit which keeps you in My thoughts, and trust the ties of love that bind you to My heart, for you are ever on My mind and always in My heart, surrounded by My mercy and covered by My compassion.
Listen with your heart, so that you may hear My voice when I speak. Quiet your spirit, resting in My presence, as you look around you and thank Me for what I have given you.
Seek Me in My Word, putting other desires aside for the time, and make Me the focus of your attention, so that you can know the truth of Who I am and what you have in Me. This is how you will be able to stand against the enemy when he attempts to steal your peace of mind, kill the joy that rises up in your heart, and destroy the work of righteousness that I am doing in your life.
That which you have brought to Me in contrition and repentance, is cleansed and paid for by My blood, and I remember it no more. When the enemy tries to taunt and torment you with old recollections, understand, My loved one, that though it happened, no debt remains to be paid. Just as with the loan the bank made to you, there were penalties and consequences against you until the debt was paid. But once repayment is done, it strengthens your credit rating among men.
Although you could never repay the debt of sin you owed, the fact that you turned to Me, aware of your need, and sought Me in humility and sorrow, accepting My gift with joy, credits you with My righteousness before the Father, making you accepted in Me.
Anything that causes you to feel unworthy of coming to Me is the enemy's voice, for you are always accepted by Me. Walk in My love, receive My truth, learn My voice, and grow in My wisdom and knowledge with humility, for you are always in My thoughts and carried in My heart.

May you follow God in the generosity of His Spirit of life, and not be found guilty of the sin of providing for yourself alone. Luke 16

May your heart be open to and tender toward the truth of God's Word that you may walk in His presence and recognize the leading of His Spirit. Luke 16

May you listen to, treasure, and obey the Word of God as it is written, allowing it to shape your heart and conform your thoughts to the Father's love so that you will cherish and cling to the resurrected Son, the Beloved of God, in Whom you have life, and before Whom the world must bow and give honor to as Lord of all. Luke 16

May you always walk in humility, ever understanding that obedience is not something to be boastful of, but is the least that is required of you. Luke 17

May you have faith even as small as a mustard seed, so that as you speak the words you hear the Father say, His angels will be sent to watch over it and perform it, keeping that Word in the hearts and the minds of the hearers until it has accomplished what He sent it to do, lest it return to Him void. Luke 17

May you rest in the care and protection of the Lord, knowing that regardless how the enemies of God attack, desiring to destroy all who walk obediently before God, that you are hidden in His protection, sheltered in the heavenlies regardless of what happens on earth, and that the Lord will magnify Himself before all powers and authorities when He rescues you from destruction and defends you from defeat. Psalm 83

May your desires be fully satisfied, as those of the diligent are, unlike the sluggard who craves, yet gets nothing. Proverbs 13:4
