The Best Weapons in Runescape

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1000 gp with 25 noted essences. Runners exchange 25 un-noted essences. Everyone benefits: fast XP for Runecrafters, gp for RuneScape Gold Runners. To simplify things, I've used 1k (1000 gp) however some Runecrafters prefer more gp "Open 2k", 2000 gp, to attract Air Runners faster.

The issue: World 16 Air Running is a challenge to meet a limit on trade (10,000 gp each 15 minute). Possible Solution I haven't yet worked all the details out (I would be grateful any suggestions to add) ...), but here's the deal: In addition to World 16, also have the following: World 63.

What are the top Runescape weapons? This topic has been the focus of many discussions. Here are my views the best weapon in Runescape for non-members. My opinion is that the best weapon in Runescape for non-members is a Rune Scimitar. A Rune 2-h is the best weapon for non members, but it is very slow. The scimitar can hit the enemy twice faster than the 2-h.

The best weapon in Runescape For Members. A Saradomin Godsword is my favorite weapon in Runescape. This is due to the fact that the majority of the damage you take when you attack using the Saradomin Godsword is transferred to hitpoints (At minimum 10) and one-quarter of it is put to your prayer (At minimum 5).

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