Bitcoin gambling is gaining momentum!

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While traditional media were just starting to pay attention to cryptocurrency, various gambling portals were pondering with might and main about how best to use its advantages. Many of those online casinos that once took the risk of building a business around Bitcoin (or simply adding a fe

Of course, the Bitcoin exchange rate very much influenced the growth of interest in virtual currencies. But even if we abstract from the charts with the price of BTC, the willingness of representatives of the gambling industry to accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is very easy to explain.


Advantages of Bitcoin casino games
The unprecedented interest in cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin in particular was largely due to the technical features of this innovative ecosystem. Financially savvy people have paid particular attention to several key aspects of digital currencies:

  1. Speed ​​of payment processing
    2. Cheapness of money transfers
    3. Ability to send small parts of one BTC
    4. Security and confidentiality of transactions
    5. Relative independence from the state

It just so happens that each of these points is of great importance in online gambling. Therefore, as soon as the first casinos with slot machines for Bitcoin appeared on the Internet, the rest began to realize the indisputable advantages of cryptocurrency for casino games.

The technical features of transaction processing on the Bitcoin network make money transfers very fast. The transfer of funds from one account to another is instantaneous. It remains only to wait for the final confirmation of the transaction from the miners. Except during periods of extreme network load, this procedure takes about 10 minutes.
