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BREAKING FREE FROM THE BONDAGE OF GUILT AND SHAME PT 1 - When we do wrong, YAHWEH Elohim (God) wants us to realize we've done wrong. Not only does He want us to realize we've done wrong, but He also wants us to admit to Him that we’ve done wrong,


When we do wrong, YAHWEH Elohim (God) wants us to realize we've done wrong. Not only does He want us to realize we've done wrong, but He also wants us to admit to Him that we’ve done wrong. Our Heavenly Father wants us also admitting to others we were wrong, when we’ve hurt them, and it was not called for, whenever it's possible to do so.

Guilt is a healthy emotion HE has given us to have a sense of right and wrong. However, lingering guilt can be a pathway to tormenting mental and spiritual bondage, and the Heavenly Father wants us to be extremely aware and wise in how we deal with guilt.

Guilt is YAHWEH’S way of telling us we have stepped off His pathway of peace. The Holy Spirit convicts us to admit our wrongdoing, then asking for and receiving Elohim’s forgiveness to get back on Elohim’s path of peace.

Let's say it a different way. When we've done wrong, because the emotion of guilt tells us we've done wrong, Satan doesn't want that guilt leaving you or me. He wants us to stay under a thick cloud of guilt (which can include shame) just as long as he can keep us under it. He can get away with it if we don't know our rights as disciples in Messiah, or we don't believe those rights.

Let us always remember something that is very important: Satan condemns ' the Holy Spirit convicts. There is a HUGE difference, but it is often difficult to discern condemnation verses conviction for a newborn babe in Messiah.

Satan wants us to feel condemned when we miss the Redeemer Master’s mark. The Holy Spirit convicts us of our wrongdoing, thereby allowing our guilt to be a positive means to motivate us to quickly acknowledge our wrongdoing, and executing forgiveness as quickly as possible as needed, thereby being free from guilt to move forward spiritually.


Satan's guilt has no hope tied to it. Never forget that. He also likes to tell us, 'Forgiveness is never enough! You need to suffer to prove to Elohim (God) you are worthy of being forgiven!' Satan will take our guilt and twist it into a means of accusing us in any number of different ways. He is able to do this if we don’t know our legal rights as disciples of Yahshua Messiah, nor operate in HIS wisdom.

One of Satan's most ruthless ways of locking a person into guilt and shame is to have a young person sexually abused repeatedly by an adult ' preferably the child's father. If the child refuses to cooperate, the father (or whoever the perpetrator is) will usually use fear to keep the child silent, and then even try to convince their victim it is his/her fault in the matter.

Some children can be so starved for love and acceptance and physical affection that they may even show a willingness to be abused, just to receive some 'quality' attention. (So, will some adults, unfortunately. A crippled child that never heals emotionally usually becomes an emotionally crippled adult. Most addictions stem from being crippled emotionally in various ways during our earlier years, as does rebellion in us, which is why it can be so hard to want to please and obey Elohim).

Then when the time comes when the abused person tries to escape from future abuse, demons will either speak through their abuser, or speak directly into the mind of that child, that THEY were the one who was mostly responsible, or fully responsible, for this all happening in the first place. When the abused victim believes that lie, they will carry and bury that lie deep within ‘sometimes their whole lives, sadly ' crippling them emotionally, spiritually and possibly even physically, without them even realizing the poisonous effects of believing Satan's lies.

If you are holding onto guilt and shame from your past, even if you were partly guilty for whatever happened ' please let Elohim (God) free you from it. It is a spiritual poison designed by Satan to kill you, my friend, and in one way or another, I can promise you it WILL, if you keep it buried, as Satan would want you to do.

The most common way of being freed from it is to tell a trusted person about it. Usually a trusted Follower of Yahshua Messiah, who the Holy Spirit can use to help guide you into wholeness.

The Heavenly Father has given disciples of Yahshua Messiah this precious declaration in His Word, nailing condemnation before it can have a chance to bear demonic fruit:

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Messiah Yahshua, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. (Romans 8:1)

What Elohim wants us to receive from Him regarding this declaration of warning on one hand - yet the means by which we can be freed from condemnation on the other - is that when we deal with guilt by our fallible human reasoning, (which is how Satan tricks us), condemnation will not leave us. But when we walk according to the Holy Spirit’s way of dealing with guilt, we will be set free from condemnation before it can get its demonic claws in us, and we are then utilizing Elohim’s means of being set free from condemnation.

How then, do we walk according to the Spirit, when guilt is telling us we missed the mark; when we’ve sinned, or sinned one too many times? We use our legal rights as disciples of Yahshua Messiah. We use the 'legal contract' ' the 'book of the law' Elohim (God) has given us to be freed. What is this 'legal contract' Elohim has given us to be freed from the snares of Satan? The Holy Bible. Proper understanding and proper application of YAHWEH’S Word.

NEXT. . . Let's lay a solid sound foundation for applying the Word of Elohim

