When does the second season of TBC Arena start?

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The first season of the PvP arena of the TBC Classic in World of Warcraft started only nine weeks ago, but fans are ready for the second season. So you can TBC Classic Gold Buy from the MMOSO to enjoy season two. The second season should be released in the third stage of the game content release, it was about the same time as the Black Temple raid.

But in an interview with WoW PvP streamer Venruki during The Burning Crusade Classic Arena Tournament, Classic's lead producer Holly Longdale said season two stomach earlier than originally anticipated. Instead of being forced to wait until Black Temple, players would get a fresh start with season two during Phase Two.

Although the exact date for the release of the second phase has not yet been announced, the update of the game's PvP system is being tested on PTR and the raid leader in the Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep.

Though those raids were situated on release when TBC originally launched, Blizzard decided to stagger its release in Classic because of the discrepancies from the gear that’s for sale in those raids compared to Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, and Karazhan.

Due to Blizzard's decision to end the first season early, Langdale said that the team increased the number of arena points players earn during the remaining time of the first season before the second season. In addition, Blizzard will reduce the cost of rewards for this season before the second season is released.

With this in mind, we can conservatively estimate that the second phase and the second season of the arena may be launched in the next four to six weeks. We will most likely see these within the next month, depending on the progress of the test.

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