The Prayerful Word - May 25

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Psalm 92:1-2 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; 2 to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night.

Matthew 6:33 Strive first for the kingdom of God…and all these things will be given to you as well.

Romans 5:10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life!

Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God

Numbers 6:24-26 The LORD bless you, and keep you; 25 The LORD make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; 26 The LORD lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.

May the Lord God keep forever the promises He has made concerning you, His servant, doing as He has promised so that His name will always be great, for He is God and His words, in which He has promised good things to you, are trustworthy. 2 Samuel 7

May the Lord provide a place for you and plant you so that you can have a home of your own and no longer be disturbed or oppressed by wicked foes, and bring the redemption of God to those who have been kept in bondage and made to serve their evil masters, giving you rest from all your enemies. 2 Samuel 7

May the Lord give you victory wherever you serve. 2 Samuel 8

May you walk before the Lord in obedience, always seeking His face and desiring to do for His people what is just and right. 2 Samuel 8

May you love the Lord by obeying what He commands, for because He lives, you also will live, and He and the Father will live in you as the Spirit of truth resides with you forever. John 14

May you not let your heart be troubled or be afraid, for the Lord gives you His peace, leaving it with you as you reside in the world. John 14

Walk with Me in the marketplace, My child, as the servant of a rich man would.
Follow Me as I go where I will, from one to another in the crowded, busy market-square of life, stopping at one stall, moving to another, halting before a mendicant, then moving on, speaking to all, greeting many as well-known, addressing others with introductions.
As a loyal servant, you do not set the course, but you obediently follow Me, keeping a close eye on Me, staying near lest anyone or anything come between us, preventing you from hearing My command and obeying My desire.
As I lead you through the marketplace, I carry nothing but give to you, My servant, a bag to carry, already full and heavy. It is filled with My riches, My treasure, for who goes to the market place with empty hands?
You wait as I stop and speak to one, and listening, you hear Me say to give this person a particular coin or a specific gem or a beautiful ornament of worked gold. In obedience, you reach in the bag you carry for me and find that particular item is there, ready to be given to the individual at My command.
It matters not whether the person receiving the priceless treasure is a rich and well-known merchant or prince, or if they are a beggar who has just recently arrived at the marketplace; you are not called on to judge the worthiness of the recipient, but only to obey your Master.
When you were first given this duty, you tried to understand the reason and logic of where I would go and what I would direct you to give and who would receive the treasures you carried. But as you simply obey, not leaning on your own understanding, you learn that My directions can always be trusted because you have seen the benefits that result. There is no mistaking the change in the lives, the improvement that is shown, the gratitude that is expressed to Me when I stop to see someone again later.
Rejoice, My careful one, and be at peace, knowing that the treasure I give you to carry is not your responsibility. Simply obey Me, and share the joy of the life that results in others as you give freely at My command.

May you obey with all your heart the decrees that the Lord teaches you about and keep to the end the law that the Lord gives you understanding of. Psalm 119

May the Lord walk with you in the delightful path of His commands, turning your whole heart eagerly toward His statutes and your eyes away from vanity and worthless things like selfish gain, fulfilling His promise to revive you and quicken you in a new life and vigorous health, according to His word. Psalm 119

May the Lord confirm His word and fulfill His promise to you so that He may receive the respect, reverent fear, and devoted worship of many, by delivering you from the shame, reproach, and disgrace you dread and renewing and refreshing your life in His righteousness and justice, since you long for His guiding principles which are excellent. Psalm 119

May you lean on, rely in, and trust the promise of the Word of the Lord, and receive the faithful mercies and unfailing love of His salvation, for then you can answer the one who taunts and reproaches you with insults, lies and doubts, bringing into subjection to Christ every stray and passing thought which exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Psalm 119, 2 Corinthians 10

May you seek out, inquire for, and desperately require His truth and His promises, continually hearing, receiving, loving and obeying His law, speaking His testimonies boldly and without shame before principalities and powers, so that the Lord will establish His word in your mouth and grant you to walk in the freedom of His Spirit. Psalm 119

May you walk in the fear of the Lord, which is the discipline leading to wisdom, and the awe of the Lord, which provides the instruction of life, for just as Jesus walked meekly through His life on earth, knowing that His glory was ahead of Him, so do we walk in humility through testing and trying, for the Father will bestow honor on us in due time. Proverbs 15:33
