The Prayerful Word - May 29

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Acts 5:29  Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men!"
Isaiah 41:13  For I hold you by your right hand— I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.
Acts 5:41  The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.
James 1:2  Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.
2 Corinthians 1:20  For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.
John 7:38  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.'
May you know that you have an Advocate with the Father, pleading your case, as the Comforter is working in your heart to bring conviction which leads to repentance, which brings hope and restoration. 2 Samuel 14
May you prefer the wisdom of God's righteousness and the reverent obedience of humility which brings beauty in God's sight to your soul, rather than the outward beauty which, for a time, may cover the deformity of a person's prideful and arrogant heart. 2 Samuel 14
May you have the grace from God to discern the insolence behind the words which come from an unrepentant heart, though couched in subservient terms, lest the bitterness it contains come to fruition with great sorrow and pain. 2 Samuel 14
May you trust in God's provision and patiently wait on God's timing to bring to you the things you need for the tasks He assigns, knowing that He will prepare your heart and make you ready, for He will not be so unloving as to give you authority or power before you are matured enough to act responsibly with it. 2 Samuel 15
May you wear the world loosely, not grasping or defending what you have in your hand, clinging only to God in all circumstances, desiring simply that others not suffer when disputes arise, preferring rather to suffer loss and indignities for a time than to bring reproach to the name of the Lord. 2 Samuel 15,  1 Corinthians 6
May you have the same mind in you as did Jesus, Who withdrew when worldly authority would have been thrust upon Him, but stepped forward when His Father's work was at hand, though it meant suffering, which He endured for the joy of the fellowship which would be attained. John 18
May you have, when needed, the Spirit in abundance so that when others do you injury unjustly, you do not respond with passionate resentment, but reason with them redemptively. John 18
   I do not allow the proud or arrogant will to stand before Me, My chosen one, for that is rebellion against Me and rejection of the sovereignty of My Son. He, alone, is the One whom I have set over all kings and kingdoms, and given authority over all powers and principalities. 
   For that cause did I cast down the portion of My angelic creation who adhered to and agreed with the aspirations of Lucifer. Though he sang My praise, he desired My place, and the impurity in his heart became evil in his thoughts and rebellion in his hands. 
   My Son lived as a man to bring redemption to men, and those who come to Me through His blood are purged and cleansed, threshed and winnowed, so that no arrogance, no pride, no self-sufficiency will remain. 
   Look to your heart and mind, humbling yourself lest any seed remain to take root and grow, causing harm and loss of the prize that you strive for. 
   It is My mercy and compassion, expressed through My Son, that cleanses the temple before righteous judgment can bring My wrath. 
   Follow My Spirit Who will lead you in the way you must go, for He knows My mind and His leading is true and sure.
May you love God's law and meditate on it all day long, for His commands make you wiser than your enemies, give you more insight than all your teachers, and grant you more understanding than the elders since you keep His promises ever with you, meditate day and night on His ways, and ever obey His precepts. Psalm 119
May you keep your feet from every evil path so that you might obey His word and not depart from His laws, for the Lord Himself has taught you. Psalm 119
May God's word be a lamp to your feet and a light for your path. Psalm 119
May you not stray from God's precepts nor forget His law, though you constantly face attack from the wicked who set a snare for you, for the Lord will preserve your life, just as He has promised, as He accepts the willing praise from your mouth in the midst of your fight. Psalm 119
May your heart be set on keeping God's statutes to the very end for they are your heritage forever and the source of joy to your heart. Psalm 119
May you walk in righteousness and godliness, though you have few possessions and little gain, rather than dishonesty and injustice, though it brings abundant income and much property. Proverbs 16:8
May what you have come to you in righteousness, be held in righteous claim, be used in a righteous manner, be invested in righteous purposes, and attended with a life of righteousness and holiness of Christ. Proverbs 16:8
May your preparation and planning of your journey and purpose give room for God to direct your steps on the way to your destination. Proverbs 16:9