Man Who Was Going to Jump from Bridge is Baptized into Christ

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Man Who Was Going to Jump from Bridge is Baptized into Christ

CBN News has an update to a miraculous story we reported a few weeks ago.

Back in April, 27-year-old Jacob Palmer was poised to jump from a bridge in Virginia Beach, Va. when a good Samaritan intervened.

Collin Dozier told CBN News he noticed a car pulled on the side of the road on the Lesner bridge.

"I figured he wasn't even near his car that much," Dozier said. "So, I just felt the Holy Spirit speak to me and tell me to go up there."

Dozier shared the gospel with Palmer and was able to pull him to safety.

"At that point, I was like, 'Hey man, don't do it. Jesus loves you. He's got a plan for your life,'" Dozier explained.

Dozier has since stayed connected to Palmer, who on the night of his attempted suicide, had been high on meth, PCP, heroin, and cocaine.  Read More
