The Prayerful Word - June 1

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Ephesians 4:4-6 There is one body and one Spirit … 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.

Psalm 25:4-5 Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; 5 guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 23:2-3 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Isaiah 61:3 …They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.

Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

May you never forget the grace of God which has always been extended toward you, even when you were in rebellion toward Him, so how much more now. 2 Samuel 18

May you remember that the battle is the Lord's, for as you do your part in resisting the enemy, you will find that those who are for you are greater than those who are against you, and the Lord will cause even the forest or the storm or the sea to rise up and overwhelm those that you cannot. 2 Samuel 18

May you set your affections on things above, recognizing and submitting to the hand of God in the events of your life, giving praise to the Lord in all things, that He may be free to accomplish His will. 2 Samuel 18, Colossians 3

May you not sorrow for the things of the earth which defy the will of God, or set your desires on the things of this world which are in rebellion against the Lord, but be about the Father's business, walking in the responsibilities He has given you, and trust Him to do what is impossible for men. 2 Samuel 19, Mark 10

May you seek the Lord early, even when you have no hope left, for even in sorrow, the promises of the Lord can bring joy to all who see and believe. John 20

May you have eyes to see Jesus, and revelation to recognize Him, without personal restriction, in the many times, and places, and ways in which He makes Himself available for you to see Him. John 20

May the Lord look upon your suffering, defending your cause, and deliver you through His redemption, preserving your life according to His promise, for you have not forgotten His law. Psalm 119

May you not turn from God's statutes, though there are many foes who persecute you, for the Lord, Whose compassion is great, preserves your life according to His laws, though salvation is far from the wicked since they do not seek out His decrees. Psalm 119

May you love the Lord's precepts, for all His words are true and all His laws are eternally righteous, therefore He will preserve your life according to His love, which is far from the faithless and the transgressors who care nothing for God's Word. Psalm 119

May you tremble at God's Word and rejoice in the Lord's promise for, though rulers persecute you without cause, you find great treasure in His truth. Psalm 119

What is your desire, My child? What do you seek as treasured and valuable enough to give your time and strength to locating and possessing? What are you willing to fight for and do battle over?
Does your heart yearn for recognition by others and to be seen by all? Know, My bright one, that in Christ you are the light of the world, shining in the darkness, a city set on a hill, unable to be hid; therefore be strong in battle when powers of darkness seek to cover your light. Speak My words when you should, go against the crowd when I lead, do not deny My light within you, flee sin that would dim the light of My truth, show My love by meeting the needs of others.
Is youth and vigor what you cling to, and struggle daily to keep it from slipping away? Come near to Me, My thirsty one, and allow Me to plant you beside the always-flowing river of living water. Sink your roots into the rich soil of the river-bank and satisfy your hunger and thirst as nothing in the world's culture of youth-worship has ever done for you. You will not be idolized by fickle fans, but you will be sought-out for your fruit and desired for the healing of your leaves, bringing comfort for your shade and joy for your beauty and strength which never wither but only increase over time.
Whatever your heart's desire, My searching one, find it fulfilled in Me; let Me be your all in all. Know that I am all you need, and even more than you conceive. I bring the light and the dark into your life that is essential to growth and balanced development, just as I brought to the very first day at creation and established as an unbreakable covenant since that time.
Recognize, My wondering one, that the dew of grace which refreshes comes during the dark, and the stars of My promises are never seen more gloriously than in the night of grief. Each hour has its duty, and each season has its work; I know your needs, My precious one, and I bring you all that you have need of, each in its proper time.

May you love God's law even as you hate and abhor falsehood, praising Him many times each day for His righteous laws. Psalm 119

May you love His law and wait for the Lord's salvation for then you will have great peace and nothing can make you stumble. Psalm 119

May you keep and obey God's statues, loving them greatly, for all your ways are known to Him. Psalm 119

May your cry and supplication come before the Lord, Who gives you understanding according to His Word and delivers you according to His promise. Psalm 119

May your lips overflow with praise as your tongue sings of God's Word for He teaches you His commands and decrees which are all righteous. Psalm 119

May you choose the precepts of the Lord, for His hand will be ready to help you since the law of the Lord delights you and the salvation of the Lord fills your longing. Psalm 119

May you not forget God's commands, for though you stray as a lost sheep, He will seek you and let you live that you may praise Him as His laws sustain you. Psalm 119

May you be wise enough to appease the King of kings, making peace with Him, and avoid the messengers of death sent to those under His wrath. Proverbs 16:14

May you receive the favor of the King of kings, for in the light of His countenance is life, and His clemency is refreshing like a spring rain. Proverbs 16:15
