Engine oil 5w30

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Engine lubricants protect moving powertrain components from excessive friction and help them operate efficiently. The correct choice of oils helps to keep the systems in good working order for a long time. Today, 5w30 oil is popular - a lubricant based on synthetic components.

Engine lubricants protect moving powertrain components from excessive friction and help them operate efficiently. The correct choice of oils helps to keep the systems in good working order for a long time. Today, Engine oil 5w30 is popular - a lubricant based on synthetic components.

The oil is suitable both for cars running daily in the dense stream of city traffic, and for cars overcoming the difficulties of country roads.

Characteristics of 5W30 oil

Lubricant labeling tells a lot about the characteristics of a particular lubricant. Engine oil marking 5W30 means the following:

  • 5W - an indication that the grease is suitable for winter time, according to the SAE classification, the lower temperature threshold is -30 ° C;
  • 30 - maximum positive temperature in ° С.

Synthetic motor oil 5w30 is used in the temperature range from -30 to +30 degrees, which means it is suitable for both cold and warm seasons.

The advantages of oils with such markings include:

  • long period of idling;
  • the ability to stand in traffic jams for a long time without problems for the engine;
  • efficient car operation at short distances;
  • trouble-free operation in a state of high dust concentration.

5V30 grease reliably protects the elements of the power unit from corrosion and destruction, helps to remove carbon deposits, reduces the influence of negative factors and effectively cools the units and components of a running motor.

Withstands temperature in the system up to 150 ° С.

The viscosity of engine oils marked 5W30 in winter is similar to that of a winter lubricant, in summer - to a summer one. Therefore, you do not need to change the lubricant in the system when changing seasons.


Types of engine oil 5W30

Motor oil 5W-30 can be either synthetic or semi-synthetic.

The synthetic 5W30 compound guarantees greater resistance to temperature fluctuations and prolongs the life of the power unit. Such a composition is suitable for work under high loads. Also, synthetic grease is more economical because it runs out more slowly.

Semi-synthetic motor oils marked 5W30 provide the motor with stable operating conditions, protecting it from wear, and evaporating little. Good technical characteristics are complemented by a lower cost. However, car owners prefer to use semi-synthetics as a compromise, since such a lubricant is more consumed and more sensitive to changing conditions, while giving less effect.

The main difference between a fully synthetic lubricant and semisynthetics is in the degree of viscosity.

The choice of lubricants depends on the mileage. Synthetic oils are suitable for cars with high mileage, protect the power unit from wear and increase its service life. Machines from the assembly line only work effectively on semi-synthetics.
