HTML5 vs Native Mobile Apps: One on One-Right Here-Right Now

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On the one side of the ring where HTML5 is offering amazing features like remotely automatic update and rich user interface;

‘S’ Leads ‘W’ Alphabetically– So let’s Start with the Strength first

On the other hand, Native Mobile Apps are loaded with impressive attributes like Usability even without data connection, faster interface and much secured information transfer. So who is better? Which must be bet upon? What are the weak points of both the opponents? Is there any solution? Why Green doesn't suites me? Last question is a bit personal but rest of them must be disturbing many of the developers and businesses mind.

So today is the day when the secret will be revealed, when the result will came out, when the curtains will fall down, when the opponents will face each other in the battle! Ok I think it’s enough. In this post I am going to talk about ‘HTML5 V/S Native mobile applications’. I will put the spotlight on both; the positive as well the negative facets of both the antagonists.

It is undoubtedly true that both HTML5 and Native Application development are followed by a huge fan following. It’s a fact that Native application development is earning higher revenue as compared to the HTML5 application development BUT the growth pace of HTML5 is clearly swift than native app development.

To make a better decision among the two; it is very crucial to know the points/strength which attracts the app developers and businesses. As per the alphabetic order; HTML5 application development deserves to be discussed first BUT I was always among the back benchers during my school days so I love breaking the rules for the innovation.

Native Application Development

Smartphone operating systems are basically divided into four major platforms including Android, iOS, BlackBerry (BADA) and Windows. When an application is designed for a particular operating system, the doors of other customers are closed (what a Pessimist thinks).

When an application is designed for a particular operating system, the competition shrinks and the possibility of your application to choose by the user magnifies (What an Optimist thinks). No matter you are an optimist or pessimist; the strength points or attributes of Native application development will serve common for both.

Native Application is faster and hence enhance the user experience
The possibilities of application idea are LIMITLESS
Developing an Native App is easier and less sophisticated as compare to HTML5 application development

HTML5 Application Development

Do you know that Australia has a lake which is naturally pink? Wait! Wait! It’s nothing related to HTML5 app development; I was just telling you a fact.  HTML5 is the latest definition in the world of programming language. By the fusion of CSS3 and HTML; HTML5 has created a sensation in the field that will be sounder in future.

Some of the major reasons of choosing the HTML5 app development are:

  • The application is compatible with every web enabled smart phone irrespective of the type of mobile operating system
  • Rich user interface is possible
  • Clean Source Code with Geo Location Tag
  • Integration of multimedia content is hassle free


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Tring-Tring! Time for the Weak Joint

Nobody is perfect; these lines suites best for both Native and HTML5 application development. Beside with the rhythms of positive stories; both of the two opponents are also followed by the rumor chants. It would be a cheat if I didn’t tell you those negative points of the subjects. So to save myself from committing a sin; below are the negative points.

Native Application Development
Literally speaking; mobile application platforms are divided into 4 different parts but if we exclude the Android which has about 70% share of the market; it will seriously be a tough job for a newbie to compete in the rest of the 30% market. Sorry but I was not horrifying you; I was just telling you the truth.

  • Moreover there are some other points too which smells fishy and shouldn’t be ignored if you want to know the every hard truth.
  • It is expensive to make different app for different mobile operating systems
  • Native applications don’t diminish the gap between mobile application and mobile website
  • It is an hassle to amalgamate the multimedia content to a Native App and hence the UI is a bit fade as compare to HTML5 app development
  • TOUGH competition by the popular names of the app development Mammoths.

HTML5 Application Development

Along with the lightening popularity of the HTML5 application development; the darkness of Rumors is also accompanying the trade. After a harsh comment by the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg; the Stars of HTML5 application development are surely affected.

On the open stage where the market experts are betting on a brighter future of HTML5 application development; at the back end they too accepts that there are certain drawbacks and short comings which must be filled soon.

  • The absence of DRM or Digital Right Management is a big issue
  • The process of storage and notification outside the application is not safer
  • The Developer can’t make ANYTHING; There are limitation of ideas and possibilities
  • Distribution and marketing of the app is complex as compare to the native applications

Who? Who? Who Won the Title?

Excited at the end to know the name of the winner? Ok the name of the winner is…How many days are in a week? Are the rabbit herbivores? 2 +2 is equal to? Am I tickling you? Ok Time Up and the winner of the fight is “YOU”! Hey wait I am serious. The application idea of yours is the factor that will decide which path you have to choose.

If you are targeting on a particular genre of users or want to make an app that can be used offline too then Native application is the name you must click upon but if you want to make a general application targeting the every Smartphone user then HTML5 application development should be the Pal.

A Better Solution- Hybrid Applications

It may not be a good decision to wear Green if you are confused between Yellow and Blue but this could be the best in case of mobile application development. Hybrid applications are actually the integration of the positive points of both HTML5 and Native applications. These are a better way of app development as the negative aspects of the HTML5 and Native apps are skipped in these applications.

For more information about the HTML application development, Native app development and Hybrid Application development;


Leo Pulliam - App Developer - Education. Software developer and Quality Assurance tester.


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