The Prayerful Word - June 23

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

2 Corinthians 3:18 We all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Philippians 1:6 Paul wrote, “I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.”

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 Chronicles 29:11 Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Yours is the dominion, O LORD, and You exalt Yourself as head over all.

Ephesians 2:6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,

Romans 8:17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

Philippians 3:8-9 that I may gain Christ, 9 and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own … but that which is through faith in Christ…

May you act in faith, and sin not with your mouth, as you seek God for the promise He has given you of your heart's desire. 2 Kings 4

May you be settled in your heart regarding God's daily provision of your own needs, and give yourself to strengthening the faith and building up the trust of others in God as you share the truth of God and point them to the love of God which will sustain them, even as it does you, for whom He feeds, He fills, and what He blesses, He sustains. 2 Kings 4

May you desire the health, and pray for the welfare, of those over you, as God's hand extended, sharing His truth and demonstrating His love in all situations, so that His wisdom, when spoken as the Spirit directs, may be heard and not dismissed, not robbed of its power by ill-considered behavior. 2 Kings 5

May you be willing to hear the voice of God and may your heart be open to the leading of the Spirit when it comes, not dismissing its truth because of its source, but recognizing the witness of your spirit as it brings life at the point of your need. 2 Kings 5

May you be humble enough to approach God on the basis of your need, as is common to all people, rather than in your strength, by which none can stand before the Lord. 2 Kings 5

May you have grace toward others in those things through which God is walking them, for He knows the desire of each heart and sees the intent of each will, being patient with every one who desires Him more than the other, and extending grace to all who are drawing nearer to Him in the midst of their circumstances. 2 Kings 5

May you never presume to lie in your heart to the Holy Spirit of God, for that which is covered will be revealed, but that which is confessed will be cleansed and that which is repented of will be removed. 2 Kings 5

May you stand steadfast in the truth which you have learned, giving no room to the traditions you have been delivered from, defending those who are learning lest they be entrapped by others. Acts 15

May you walk in the freedom brought to you by the Spirit and live in the liberty purchased for you by the Son that you may be about the work of the kingdom as assigned to you by the Father. Acts 15

My child, are you willing?
When My Word becomes life to you in your heart, are you willing to obey and walk in it?
When My wisdom, with gentleness and acceptance, opens your understanding to the way to follow, are you willing to forsake other guides and road-maps to trust Me?
When My Spirit nudges you, whispering into your thoughts with loving persistence, showing you the way to go, are you willing to step out?
I do not ask you to determine whether you are able, My careful one, for you have already counted the cost when you accepted My gift of salvation. If you determined that the willing, sinless sacrifice of My blood for you was sufficient to release you from the weighty burden of guilt you carried, which nothing else could help, then why doubt or question whether I am able to meet your needs on the assignments I give you?
You will always find that you are not able. I would not give you an assignment that is within your ability and strength to accomplish on your own; where, then, would My glory be? If it can be done by your own strength, knowledge, skill, and understanding, then I did not assign it, and you will gain the glory for it among men, building your own reputation, which will perish with the world's system, and bring no eternal reward.
Where I send you, I will work through you, My weak one, having also sent My Spirit to help in your weakness, to pray in ways you do not know, to fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that you will abound in hope, to banish the spirit of fear that preys on your frailty, and give you the confident assurance of adoption, knowing that you abide in Us and We abide in you, whereby you cry in faith, “Abba! Father!” with the conviction from Our heavenly love that your needs are abundantly and fully met as soon as you make them known.
When the tests loom large, My wondering child, learn to rejoice, for the testing of your faith leads to the maturity and calm patience that can receive the crown of life which is My promise to those who love Me.

May your voice call to the Lord, Who will come quickly and answer your plea for help. Psalm 141

May your prayer enter into His Presence and be accepted as sweet-smelling incense. Psalm 141

May your hands lift to the Lord in praise and be accepted like the evening sacrifice. Psalm 141

May your mouth receive a guard from the Lord, and a watch on the door of your lips. Psalm 141

May your heart turn to the Lord and not incline toward any evil thing or take part with troublemakers, but be consecrated wholly to God. Psalm 141

May your head accept the correction and reproof of righteousness as soothing medicine and anointing oil from the people of the Lord, and not refuse their act of faithful love and gracious kindness. Psalm 141

May your words stand continually strong in the Lord against evil deeds, for when the rulers of the wicked are restrained by your Rock they will know that God is confirming what you say. Psalm 141

May your eyes focus steadfastly on the Sovereign Lord in trust as you take refuge in Him Who is your shelter from the traps and snares set by the evil ones. Psalm 141

May you shun the gifts of the wicked and walk in the justice of the Lord. Proverbs 17:23
