How to ask a doctor for an Emotional Support Animal Certification?

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The emotional support animal concept is great, right? Such a noble idea. Pets really can be therapeutic for people suffering from various mental or emotional conditions.

The emotional support animal concept is great, right? Such a noble idea. Pets really can be therapeutic for people suffering from various mental or emotional conditions. It is a proven fact that ESA is great for alleviating symptoms of emotional and mental imbalances. So if you are suffering from mental health disorders like severe anxiety, depression, and OCD, etc. Then getting an ESA is the best solution to improve your mental condition and provide you emotional support.

If you have decided to get an ESA then there may be people telling you that you will need to legally register or certify your emotional support animal. These people are just misinformed and this misconception is very common that you need to register your ESA. In reality, there is no need to legally register your emotional support animal or getting an emotional support animal certification. None of this is real so do not get scammed. Instead, all you need to do is to get an ESA letter.

Now, what is an ESA letter? It is a recommendation letter from a licensed medical officer for example a therapist establishing that they have emotional and mental disabilities and need an emotional support animal. An ESA letter is written according to federal laws and other relevant regulations. It enables you to keep your emotional support animal with you even in places and buildings with no-pets policies. An ESA letter is also beneficial if you want to travel somewhere and do not want to leave your adorable four-legged friend behind. Similarly, it further allows you to travel with your emotional support animal without paying the extra cost.

You can ask any licensed medical professional or mental health professional such as licensed therapists, psychiatrists, or psychologists to prescribe you an ESA. So you just have to get a doctor involved. If you are not currently seeing any therapist then you can go to one to discuss your mental issues. They will diagnose the symptoms and if you have a qualifying mental health condition then they will prescribe you a presa canario. After you get an ESA letter from an LMHP there is no need for certification or registration of your emotional support animal.

If you are already in therapy then it is easy for you to open up about your current mental issues. Update your doctor on your mental state before approaching the subject of getting an ESA. Allow your doctor to make recommendations instead of instantly jumping to your idea. This will make the LMHP realize that you are actually trying to get better. After that, you can bring the subject and discuss it with the doctor if getting a kangal shepherd dog is a viable option, or is it a good method of treatment. Then tell your desire of getting one. Then the LMHP may ask you how you feel around domesticated animals. If you already own a pet you can tell your doctor in what ways you feel better around your cat or dog etc. and you want it to accompany you everywhere. After assessing your record and current mental condition your doctor will let you know if your mental condition falls under the designated conditions which need an ESA for therapy. If it is clear that an ESA will be helpful for your daily mental and emotional health then the doctor will write you an ESA letter.

In case you already do not have any therapist or if he/she does believe in animal therapy or it is hard for you to find a therapist in your area. Then there are also other ways of getting an ESA so no need to worry. You can easily get an ESA letter right from the comfort of your home. There are many authentic sites that can get you a legitimate ESA letter. You can visit these sites for prices and can also look for an ESA letter for housing sample to get an idea about what information is needed to get one. These online platforms connect you with a licensed medical professional and after an online consultation session, they will write you an ESA letter if you qualify.  Yes. It’s that simple. 


More Resources: 


Housing in No-Pet Area through ESA Letter | 2021 Guide

Scientific evidence supports ESA as the best therapy | 2021 Guide

Scientific evidence helps ESA because the first-rate therapy | 2021 Guide

Unusual ESA Animals --Characteristics and Benefits | Guide 2021

Rights of Tenants and landlords in Rental Properties For ESAs | 2021 Guide

How is an ESA Different from a Pet | 2021 Guide

