The Prayerful Word - June 28

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.

Luke 6:28 Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

Philippians 4:6 Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves under God's power so that He may raise you up in the last day. 9 Throw all your anxiety onto Him, because He cares about you.

1 Peter 1:6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.

2 Corinthians 5:7 for we walk by faith, not by sight.

May you be assured that the Lord listens when you seek His favor in humility and repentance, for He has provided a Deliverer and Redeemer in His Son to bring you out of the power of the enemy. 2 Kings 13

May you follow the Lord's directions with your whole heart, not stopping half-way but carrying through with enthusiasm. 2 Kings 13

May the Lord be gracious to you and have compassion, showing concern for you in your trials because of the love of Christ. 2 Kings 13

May you not only walk in the ways of the people of God, but may your heart be turned to the heart of God, that you may receive His love and experience His power in your life, as a witness to others who are seeking rescue and deliverance from the enemy. 2 Kings 14

May your heart not be lifted up in pride beyond measure, nor use your strength selfishly against others, but give honor to God for victories He brings, and look to Him for ways to serve those around you. 2 Kings 14

May God grant you His words of life to speak light and strength into the lives of others, for as the days grow darker, the compassion of the Lord will grow dearer, and those willing to walk near to Him will shine brighter as they reveal the glory of His Son. 2 Kings 14

My child, I have called you “righteous,” so why do you question My judgment and doubt My truth? Is it not because you look upon My work with eyes that are blind to the work of the Spirit and try to understand with the carnal mind, which is enmity to Me?
The world claims that to be called righteous would mean that person is one who never sins. The enemy tries to impress that lie upon your thoughts because all have sinned, and no one would then have the right to call upon Me for help and strength to resist him.
However, I declare righteous that person who desires to know Me and, turning from their old way of living and thinking and acting, accepts the rescue and deliverance that I have made available through the blood I shed on the cross of Calvary, for the empty tomb declares the victory which defeated the devil.
Since My blood cleanses the guilt, removes the shame, and expunges the record, I give to whosoever will the right to become a son of God, upright and favored, no longer a destitute and abused child of Satan.
You are growing in My Spirit and My Word, maturing in grace and developing in mercy, progressing in compassion and arising in love. That means that while you do not yet walk perfectly in My ways, you are moving in the right direction by drawing closer to Me.
I speak of those things which are not as though they already were for I see that they will be. So walk in the authority of My Word and the power of My Spirit, My righteous one, knowing I place boundaries and safeguards around you, putting tutors over you as you progress.
Understand that the whole of creation is eagerly anticipating the day of your graduation when you are fully transformed into My likeness. This does not happen by your effort of will but by the power of My Spirit responding to the choice of your will and because I have said in My Word that it would come to pass.
All the hard studies and repeated lessons, the failed tests and despairing of ever learning and changing will be forgotten in the joy of that day when you come face-to-face with Me and know Me, even as you are known by Me.

May you strengthen your brethren day by day as you encounter them. Acts 18

May you minister the grace and gospel of Christ as the Lord equips you, whether with education and knowledge, or with experience and practice, for there will always be those who need the wisdom and perspective that God has given you. Acts 18

May you share, with meekness, the richness God has granted you to those who are seeking for more of the Lord, that you may receive, with humility, the depth God has granted others which will satisfy the hunger He has placed in your heart. Acts 19

May you praise the Lord from the depths of your soul as long as you live, singing praise to your God. Psalm 146

May you hope eternally in the Lord your God, never trusting in other powers or in men, none of whom can deliver you or even defend themselves, for on the very day their end comes, their thoughts and plans perish with them. Psalm 146

May you ever seek to obey the Lord your God who reigns over Zion for all generations, for He is the maker of all creation and remains forever faithful, upholding the cause of the oppressed and giving food to the hungry, setting the prisoner free and giving sight to the blind, lifting those who are bowed down because He loves the righteous, watching over the foreigner and sustaining the fatherless and the widow as He frustrates the ways of the wicked. Psalm 146

May you take delight in revealing and sharing the heart of the Father to others and find satisfaction by encouraging the growth and maturing of the saints. Proverbs 18:2

May you receive the grace and love of God in humility, turning from your former ways and walking in the righteousness of Christ, bringing honor to the Lord, and being honored by Him as one of His beloved. Proverbs 18:3
