ESO is a more smooth housing system than FFXIV

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Although I'm currently playing FF I can't think of any reason not to consider ESO. Both games are enjoyable in their own way. Final Fantasy feels more like an interactive game to me and its story is just as good or superior to WOW Classic TBC Gold any other mainline Final Fantasy game. ESO however, on the other side, lets you completely immerse yourself in the world. ESO is an excellent way to be involved in the world, if you're capable of identifying your own Nirn. Combat is the main issue for a lot of people. FF feels more like WoW. ESO is more similar to GW2 and the more recent rotations in ESO seem a little ridiculous in terms of length, but however from an execution perspective.

Both are extremely useful and are able to fulfill different areas. Personally, I like the story of ESO, however I've played more Elder Scrolls games that I have Final Fantasy, so I have a better understanding of the story and its references.

ESO is a more smooth housing system than FFXIV has a more smoother housing system. ESO lets you move objects around without needing to take advantage of bugs. All instances are instances (but big) which means you don't need to contend with others over plots.

It's not classical , however, don't worry about it. The original definition of classic rock was "rock that was older than 20 years" however this was just 20 years ago. "Classic rock" is defined as "rock that was popular in the 60s and 70s with a touch from the 1980s". Classic rock has a distinctive sound. It's the sound of Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin. Metallica and buy WOW TBC Classic Gold Nirvana do not have that sound. Metallica does not have that sound in all instances, however Load and Reload do.
