Advantages and Disadvantages of Crowd Marketing

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we talk about the pros and cons of crowd marketing

Like any internet marketing tool, crowd technology has its pros and cons. Let's consider the main advantages:

  • Targeted traffic to the site. With the help of a native discussion of the company's products or the brand itself, the advertiser gets an interested audience on the selling site. In addition, real and detailed reviews or recommendations increase the loyalty of potential customers - that is, trust in the brand and products grows.
  • Positive reputation of the company. With a competent approach to crowd marketing technologies, it is possible to create a positive image of the brand and its products in the mind of the consumer. Reviews and recommendations, discussions on forums and in social networks increase user confidence, warm up the desire to buy or order a product. However, companies need to match the "sculpted" image, otherwise crowd marketing will start to work in the negative - on customer churn and loss of trust.
  • Promotion of individual pages of a product, service or promotion. With the help of crowd-marketinga tools, you can target specific pages of your site with traffic. For example, create a Landing Page of a product / service and post reviews on thematic sites on the network. This is one of the cheapest ways to test the target audience's interest in a product.
  • Improving the naturalness of advertising. Today search engines are quickly discovering the promotion methods associated with link growth. The main "jamb" of most technologies is the obsession of advertising offers. The modern user is tired of annoying “follow the link” suggestions. The solution to the problem lies in increasing the nativeness of the advertising messages themselves. That is, posts, reviews, recommendations should speak the language of the target audience and naturally interest in the product, as does it.

The disadvantages include:

  • Not suitable for all companies. Like any promotion tool, crowd marketing may not work. Not because the technology is bad. It just doesn't work for every business. For example, outdoor advertising or social media promotions are better suited for local businesses in a city. Also, mass acquisition is not the best option for organizations with a specific product and a high average check. For example, in yacht and private jet sales, crowd marketing will hurt rather than help.
  • High labor intensity. It takes time to communicate with the target audience on forums, social networks and other platforms. In addition, it is desirable to make each message unique and unlike an advertisement. Writing such posts requires experience, and all the same time. You can order work for copywriters, but even here it is not easy to find a good specialist who would understand the intricacies of the product, brand policy. Plus, the services of a commercial writer with storytelling skills will be expensive.
  • There is always a risk of getting banned. When communicating with the target audience on someone else's site on the network, the advertiser is always under the threat of a ban. In 90% of cases, admins of forums or communities in social networks are suspicious of members who post links in posts. For the advertiser, this activity is akin to walking through a minefield. One awkward movement and everything will fly to smithereens.

However, a smart approach to crowd marketing will, of course, keep all risks to a minimum. So there is no need to be afraid, but you should proceed with caution.
