The Prayerful Word - July 6

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

2 Corinthians 4:8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair.

1 Peter 1:15-16 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”

1 John 5:4-5 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 5 Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

Revelation 21:7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.

Luke 21:36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.

May you honor the name of Jesus, Who has made all who come to Him partakers of the promises and inheritance of God, breaking down the barriers of separation and exclusion, including you into the family and lineage of Christ. 1 Chronicles 2

May you be blessed with the blessings of David, as you worship and trust in the Lord, following Him with your whole heart. 1 Chronicles 3

May you neither value the praise of ungodly men nor be troubled by their revilings, who call “good” evil and proclaim “evil” to be good. Acts 24

May you faithfully give testimony to the truth of God, for His words of life will bring conviction and hope in the lives of others. Acts 24

May you strive always to keep your conscience clear before God and man since you have the hope in God of the resurrection and life in Christ. Acts 24

May you converse with others on righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, redeeming the time. Acts 24

My child, treasure your weakness, and embrace your brokenness.
In the world's system of values, you must hide any vulnerabilities lest others take advantage of them and overcome you for their own purposes; you must emphasize your strong points and talk them up, showing your strengths to all comers.
In the value system of My kingdom, My dear one, that is not so. The darkness that is in the world allows you to hide what you do not want to be seen, but My kingdom is one of light and transparency and integrity. That which has been hidden shall be revealed, and that which has been wounded shall be made whole.
Though you had to hide from the world that which hurt lest it be made worse, in My kingdom, you can bring to Me that which has failed, knowing that I accept you fully, and require nothing of you but to believe that I and the Father are one. I have all you need, and you are made whole in Me.
Your righteousness is not cleaned and patched and returned to you, but rather, you put on My righteousness, which has never suffered damage. Your defensive armor, which has been breached so often by others' words and damaged to the point of uselessness, is not repaired and tidied up, but instead, is replaced by My armor which, when worn in My service, will never fail you.
If you did not have wounds, you would not be able to know My healing love. So do not be ashamed of your weakness, for through it, you have gained precious and greater understanding of My heart. This becomes your testimony when you meet others hiding wounds behind their front of strength.
That which the world, and the enemy of your soul, would shame you for is, in My Kingdom, the very thing that draws you closer to Me. As My Spirit ministers My redemption into your life, you find the cracks and the missing spaces filling with the silver of My love and the gold of My nature, beautifying your life even as you are made whole again.
What some would call disfiguring scars in the world, casting reproach and disapproval, accusing you of needing a crutch, unable to stand on your own, is the very thing that you will understand to be the weakness which allows you to stand strong in Me. Through this, you can know My tender loving touch which removes the pain and brings peace to your mind, allowing you to love those who cannot love themselves.
Draw near, My precious one, and release each of your hurts to Me, allowing Me to strengthen you in ways you have never known.

May you call on God, the Righteous One, when you are in distress, for He will answer you and give you relief, being merciful to hear your prayer. Psalm 4

May you seek for the Lord, Who will hear your heart's cry and set apart those who hunger for Him, those who do not turn His honor into shame or, by their words and deeds, seek to ruin His reputation by loving what is worthless and pursuing a lie. Psalm 4

May you give your offerings and make your sacrifices in the right spirit and put your confidence in the Lord, searching your heart in silence, not justifying yourself but listening for the still, small voice of the Spirit, that as you approach His throne in awe and tremble in worshipful fear, you will not sin by letting anger control you. Psalm 4

May you lie down and sleep in peace as the Lord, alone, enables you to live securely and settles you in confident hope, for He will fill your heart with more joy and gladness than those in the world who currently have prosperity and feel at peace. Psalm 4

Although a gift opens the way for the giver when approaching a man, as Jacob approached Esau, may you be confident and have faith that the gift of obedient sacrifice which Jesus brought to the Father has opened the way to His throne room for us. Proverbs 18:16

Although each person who presents his case makes it seem right, as when Ziba met David without Mephibosheth, may you know that God sees the heart and understands the truth of the matter: the accuser of the brethren is a liar, and Jesus' blood cleanses us from sin. Proverbs 18:17

Just as the casting of the lots removes personal bias from a decision since only God can control the result, may you place your trust in Him to be in charge of, and have His will in, the events and circumstances outside of your control, because of His love for you which He has already proven by sending Jesus to pay for your sin. Proverbs 18:18
