Baltimore Remarks News Cycle Going Longer Than Battery Powered Lagomorph

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Baltimore Remarks News Cycle Going Longer Than Battery Powered Lagomorph

According to Republican turncoat Michael Steele, President Trump’s remarks about Baltimore being rat infested are like water off a duck’s back.

Such is clearly not the case.

Diversity fanatics are still jacked out of shape a week later.

Tolerancemongers are pitching a fit that Trump claimed that Baltimore’s homicide rate is higher than that of Afghanistan.

The President probably picked that up from claims beaten into America’s collective consciousness in regards to assorted gun control and anti-military propaganda efforts on the part subversive activists.

So will those invoking such concocted statistics to justify bureaucratic manipulation of the nation’s fundamental structure now be similarly castigated as purveyors of discord and acrimony?

In response to Trump’s remarks about Baltimore, the Commander and Chief is being chided that he is the President of all Americans.

That must be in the same spirit as Hillary categorizing her critics as “deplorables”, Obama denouncing rural Pennsylvanians in particular as bitter clingers unwilling to relinquish their God and their guns in favor of statism’s beatific vision, and when he urged devotees to get into the faces of the regime’s enemies who dared question his infallible decrees.

Given that these critics of the President concerned in particular with the plight of urban blight have apparently had an epiphany that the unity of the nation transcends the differences at this moment on the verge of tearing America apart, perhaps they will now renounce their incessant nagging for reparations for specific wrongs suffered directly by no one alive today and that no one alive today had any hand in perpetrating.

By Frederick Meekins
