Front-end development

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While Frontend Web Development is engaged in designing the user interface of a website using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc., Backend Web Development (or, you can say, Server-Side Development) is responsible for the proper functioning of the Website.

Simply put, when you visit an e-commerce website, say, the attractive layout and design of the website that you see on your device is actually created by Frontend developers, but when you log in to your account, add the necessary elements payment and checkout — all these server functions are managed by Backend Development.

Backend development It is relatively more complicated than Frontend development. This is really a much more extensive area than it seems.
However, everything can become a little more convenient and easier for Backend developers if they choose the right set of backend development tools available in the technology world. These tools are programming languages, frameworks, database management systems, web servers, testing and deployment tools, and many others. You can opt out of these tools according to your requirements when doing Backend Development.

  1. PHP
    PHP, an abbreviation of Hypertext Preprocessor, is a server-side scripting language and one of the most widely used programming languages for server-side web development. This particular language is preferred for web development for a number of important reasons, such as cross-platform compatibility, OOP features, easy integration with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc., huge community support, better flexibility and security, and much more. In addition, the language is quite easy to learn and use.
  2. Python
    Another language that is preferred for server — side development, especially at the present time, is Python. It is a high-level general-purpose programming language that supports several programming paradigms, such as object-oriented, procedural, and functional. Instagram, Spotify, Google, etc. are some of the popular platforms that use Python in their technical stacks. The language provides you with some great features, such as support for extensive libraries, easy integration with other languages, support for programming with a graphical user interface, compatibility with trending technologies, etc. In addition, Python has a very simple syntax and offers improved aspects of code readability that subsequently make it easy to learn and use.
  3. JavaScript
    This is one of the fundamental units of web development, along with HTML and CSS. This language is preferred by a huge number of developers for web development, and it occupies a leading position in various well-known indexes of the best programming languages. In addition to web development, this language can also be used for game development, mobile application development, etc. Some of the important features of this particular language are: imperative and structured, ease, support for object-oriented programming, platform independence, and many others.
  4. Laravel
    Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks available in the technology world. This open source web platform follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern and provides you with many additional features, such as a built-in command-line tool called Artisan, pre-installed object-oriented and modular libraries, Eloquent ORM ( Object Relational Mapping), Template Engine and many others. Moreover, the framework uses various tools for specific tasks, such as dependency injection, unit testing, etc. Ready-to-use packages provided by Laravel include Cashier for managing subscription billing services, Envoy, which provides a clean and minimal syntax for defining common tasks that you run on your remote servers, Socialite for a simplified OAuth authentication mechanism with vendors such as Facebook, GitHub, Google, etc.
  5. Django
    Django is an open source Python-based web framework that allows you to do web development more efficiently and without any problems. It follows the model-template-view (MTV) architectural pattern. The reason for the huge popularity and demand for this particular framework lies in some of its notable features, such as extensibility, fast development, scalability, security, an extensive community, and many others. Companies use Django for various areas of web development, such as social networking platforms, scientific computing platforms, content management systems, and many others.
  6. MongoDB

    MongoDB — это бесплатная документно-ориентированная база данных с открытым исходным кодом, которая очень популярна среди веб-разработчиков. Эта база данных NoSQL использует документы, подобные JSON, с дополнительными схемами для хранения и извлечения данных и обладает столь необходимой масштабируемостью и гибкостью. MongoDB предоставляет вам множество важных функций, таких как специальные запросы, индексирование, репликация, балансировка нагрузки, файловое хранилище, агрегация, транзакции и т.д. Кроме того, аспекты безопасности и восстановления данных этой конкретной базы данных намного лучше по сравнению с различными другими.

  7. MySQL
    MySQL is another open source relational database management system that is widely used for web applications. It is a fast and high-performance database that provides better scalability, usability and reliability. In addition, MySQL provides cross-platform compatibility, strong indexing support, SSL support for secure connections, powerful encryption and data accuracy, built-in replication support and various other features. Meanwhile, MySQL can run on various operating systems and is compatible with many popular languages, such as PHP, Java.
  8. Apache
    Apache, or you can say Apache HTTP Server — is an open source cross-platform web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation. This is one of the leading web servers, and you can understand this by the fact that about half of all websites around the world run on Apache. Apache has many useful features, such as downloadable dynamic modules, multi-request processing modes, CGI support, user and session tracking, real-time status viewing, XML and FTP support, and many others.