The Prayerful Word - July 20

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Psalm 85:8 Let me hear what God the LORD will speak, for He will speak peace to His people, to His faithful, to those who turn to Him in their hearts.

Psalm 27:3 Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.

Psalm 27:13 I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Romans 8:11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

Proverbs 3:26 For the Lord shall be thy confidence

May the desire of your heart, in humility, be for the wisdom and knowledge to do the task God has given you rather than to receive the benefits of position and power. 2 Chronicles 1

May you walk close to God, seeking His will and expressing His love, for when your thoughts are on the Lord and your deeds reflect the Father, others will listen to your words as they declare the heart of God. 2 Chronicles 2

Just as the love of God was shown to the Israelites by His gift to them of Solomon, who ruled in wisdom and whose kingdom brought peace and richness of life to them, so may you begin to understand the depth of the value He places on His people by giving His Son, Jesus, to redeem them from the enemy and establish them in His kingdom with all the wisdom and power of His Spirit, the strength and truth of His Word, and riches of all spiritual gifts in the heavenlies that His will may be established on earth as it is in heaven. 2 Chronicles 2

May you, who have died to sin by having been baptized into Christ's death, live no longer in it but be raised in a new life, just as Jesus was, which is given from the Father. Romans 6

May you be united with Christ in His death to His self and will, in obedience to the Father, that you may be united with Him in His resurrection, for if you have died to your old nature, you are freed from the grip of sin. Romans 6

May the life you live be lived to God for, having died to self with Christ and been born again to true life, death has no mastery over you. Romans 6

May you offer the parts of your body to God as instruments of righteousness, not obeying sin's evil desires and thus not letting it reign in your physical body, for sin shall not be your master since you are under the grace of God. Romans 6

May you, who were once slaves of sin, become obedient from the heart to present yourself to God as slaves under His grace unto His righteousness, leading to holiness and resulting in sanctification. Romans 6

The goal of those in the world is pleasure, My child. Some seek to achieve it through power, some through riches, some through skills and talents, others simply through experiences and circumstances; but all desire to know the joys and delights that the soul of man hungers for. Each one struggles to gain self-satisfaction and to feel self-sufficient, but the sweetness turns bitter in their throat as soon as they achieve what they sought.
The ruler of this world has lied to them, making them believe that what appeals to the flesh and to the natural mind will satisfy the inner man, when in truth, that which is taken from others, by stealth, force, fear and coercion is only ashes and dust, leaving the receiver in greater hunger and despair than before.
Be not of the world, My child, even as I am not of the world. I was anointed by the Father with the Holy Ghost and power for the work I was assigned and predestined to do, and I went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil.
When My work at Calvary was completed, having defeated death, hell, and the grave, I became your advocate, your high priest, pure, blameless, undefiled by all I had passed through, even though I was despised and forsaken by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
Be wise, My child, and understand that the way to receive lasting joy is through giving, not hoarding, and through laying down, not picking up. Though it is not what your experience in the world has shown you, it is the enduring principle of My kingdom. Simply by walking in obedience to My leading and humbly accepting My nature, you will see this change take place in your heart toward others.
Your study of My Word will begin to open your eyes to see in eternity. Learn that it is in service that you will be exalted, and it is in obedience that you learn authority. When you realize the depth and extent of your dependence on Me, even to the next breath and for each heartbeat, then praise will be your response to My grace, and worship will pour forth from your heart.
As you see how devastatingly immense your need is, you will find how incomprehensibly abundant My willing provision is. It is in your boasting of Me, My child, that you will find My joy in you.

May you take refuge in the Lord, Who will keep you safe, for apart from Him you have no good thing. Psalm 16

May the godly people in the land be the heroes you admire and in whom you take great delight, for those who lead holy lives on earth are the nobles ones who fill you with joy. Psalm 16

May you receive a delightful inheritance from the Lord, Who has assigned you your portion and your cup, for He makes your lot secure, causing the boundary lines to fall in pleasant places. Psalm 16

May you praise the Lord, Who counsels you and instructs your heart, even at night, because you have set the Lord always before you and you will not be shaken since He is at your right hand. Psalm 16

May your heart be glad and your tongue rejoice, allowing your body to rest secure since you know that God will not abandon you to the power of the grave nor will He leave you in the power of death. Psalm 16

May you be filled with joyful abundance in the presence of God, finding the sweetness of victory and eternal pleasures at His right hand, for He has shown you the path of life. Psalm 16

May you get godly advice and receive loving instruction so you may walk safely in the wisdom of the Lord. Proverbs 19:20

May you seek for the Lord's purpose from the many plans that are found in your heart, for His decree will prevail and His counsel will endure. Proverbs 19:21
