The Prayerful Word - July 22

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

Psalm 51:1 The psalmist wrote, “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.”

Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Psalm 56:3 The psalmist wrote, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”

Isaiah 44:22 I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you.

Ephesians 2:6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,

May you continue wholeheartedly as a servant in the ways of God, for He will keep His covenant of love with you, since there is no God like the God of Israel in heaven or on earth; with His mouth He has promised it and with His hand He will fulfill it. 2 Chronicles 6

May your prayers and supplications to the Lord be heard day and night and, for His Name's sake, answered with mercy and forgiveness. 2 Chronicles 6

When neighbors take offense and bring accusation against you, may the Lord hear you from heaven, repaying the guilty and establishing the innocent. 2 Chronicles 6

When the enemy attacks and gains the upper hand, may you make supplication with repentance before the Lord Who will hear from heaven, cleanse all sin, and re-establish you in His victory and authority. 2 Chronicles 6

When the Spirit is silent and there is no blessing, may you confess His Name, and turn back to the Lord in contrition, for He will hear and forgive, teaching you the right way to live and send the rain of the Spirit once again, for you are His inheritance. 2 Chronicles 6

When trials, troubles, and tribulations arrive, whatever disaster or disease may come, may you make your prayer and plea to God, spreading your hands toward Him and confessing your afflictions and pains, for He is righteous and just, full of mercy and grace, hearing with forgiveness, dealing with each person according to all he does, for He alone knows the hearts of men, and teaching you to fear God and walk in all His ways. 2 Chronicles 6

When you are in a battle against principalities and powers, fighting wickedness in high places, waging war against the powers of the air, may your prayer to God and in His Name be heard and answered from heaven, upholding His cause. 2 Chronicles 6

When you stumble, and all of us do, may you pray to the Father in repentance with confession, turning back to God with all your heart and soul, for then He will hear from His dwelling place and uphold your cause, forgiving your trespass. 2 Chronicles 6

May you be clothed with salvation and rejoice in God's goodness as the Lord arises and comes to His resting place with the ark of His might, for He will not reject His anointed one, remembering the great love He promised to His servant. 2 Chronicles 6

May your prayers be heard by God and open the doors of heaven for fire to come down, consuming the offerings and sacrifices you have laid out before Him as His glory fills the temple, and the Lord receives the worship. 2 Chronicles 7

May God's people, who are called by His Name, humble themselves and pray, seeking His face and turning from their wicked ways, so that God will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7

Do you seek to hear My voice, My child? Does your heart yearn to dwell in My sanctuary? Does your soul hunger to know My presence? I have said that he who has clean hands, and a pure heart, who has not set his mind on what is false nor sworn deceitfully, that is the one who may ascend into the hill of the Lord and stand in My holy place, receiving a blessing and vindication from Me.
Does your heart condemn you, My dear one? Is hope ebbing from your soul as you look at only the transgressions of the last week, or merely the last day? I, the One who created your heart, have more authority than your heart, and I know the intentions of your spirit as you attempt to be obedient to what I have shown you. I see your struggles, and I know your strength is not up to the task. Only One among all who have walked the earth in flesh has hands clean to qualify and a heart pure to stand before Me, though all mankind, since they are created in My image, desires to know their Creator.
Do you rejoice to behold My Son? Does your spirit leap when My Spirit reveals the redemption bought by the sacrifice of the Lamb? Does your heart bow in humility to acknowledge your need and receive the free gift of reconciliation? Look upon the Captain of your salvation, so filled with love for you that it demands action of Him, even His death on the cross; so filled with sorrow at your sin that bloody sweat falls to the ground from every pore.
Consider what He experienced on the cross if you would be freed of the burden of your troubles. Gaze at the wounds of His body and, through them, let the wounds of your heart and mind, and then body, be healed. Realize the depth of the humiliation and shame that He endured and, once you understand it was because of the value He places on you, then rise with the dignity of a child of God, showing respect for your Lord's evaluation of your true worth, and walk in the assurance of His love and compassion for you, facing life today without fear.

May you know that as you allow the Spirit of Christ to dwell in you and Christ to reign over you, the power of sin to control you is broken. Romans 7

May you walk in the understanding that the influence of sin which dwells in your flesh is not ruling over you any more than dwelling in a city gives you rule over it, but by yielding to the saving and redeeming power of Christ you bring each thought and argument into subjection to the authority of Christ. Romans 7

May you continue to strive in the effectual power of the Spirit of God and the strengthening truth of the Word of God to resist, and to stand against the promptings of the flesh and influences of the carnal mind. Romans 7

May your earnest desire to obey the Lord draw you closer to Him while He purifies your heart and mind, allowing you to see more clearly the true repugnance of the evil and, for the love of the Savior, more willingly turn from it. Romans 7

May you realize that though you no longer serve your old master, the law of sin, which continually wars against the law of your mind, now cleansed and renewed by the Spirit of Christ, yet still you are unable, even at your best, to free yourself from it. Therefore regularly and frequently give humble and fervent thanks to God for Christ, your Deliverer, Who is your atonement and righteousness. For then, He will lift you into His freedom and give you His victory moment by moment while you depend on Him. Romans 7

May you always rejoice and be glad that through the Spirit of God, the law of love is written on your heart, and though the righteousness of the law is not fulfilled by you, yet it is, by God's grace, fulfilled in you that God may receive the glory. Romans 8

May you love the Lord with all your strength, for He is your rock, your fortress and your deliverer, in Whom you take refuge, your shield and the strength of your salvation, your stronghold. When you call to God, Who is worthy of all praise, He saves you from your enemies. Psalm 18

May you call to the Lord and cry to your God for help when you are in distress, for from His temple, He will hear your voice and your cry will come before Him. Since you know that He hears you, you also know that He will give you what you ask for. Psalm 18, 1 John 5
