Technological consulting

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The main goal of technological consulting is to develop solutions that optimize the organization's activities in such a way that the use of all available resources becomes the most efficient in terms of all target technical and economic indicators.

     The main goal of technological consulting is to develop solutions that optimize the organization's activities in such a way that the use of all available resources becomes the most efficient in terms of all target technical and economic indicators.
List of services in the field of technology consulting

  1. Technological audit (pre-project inspection of the enterprise)
    It is a procedure for assessing the efficiency of using the resources of an enterprise.
    At this stage, information is collected and analyzed about the existing business processes of the enterprise and its structure, the place of the project in the business of the company, the degree of penetration of the introduced technologies into the internal and external processes of the company, the degree of formalization of the rules and procedures that accompany the work of the project. The result of the audit is assigned a grade. A qualitative assessment is given when comparing the compliance / non-compliance of the applied methods or approaches with the current goals and objectives of the enterprise. The performance indicators are quantified.
  2. Technological design
    It is a procedure for calculating and describing a fully functional model of the intended production - determining and describing the optimal conditions for the formation of costs.
    The results of technological design are:
    • a set of technological documentation;
    • recommendations for choosing the location of the projected production;
    • initial requirements and information for civil engineering design;
    • forecast of economic indicators of future products and production;
    • preliminary assessment of the feasibility and rationality of the production project.
  3. Project management
    Project management is a procedure for planning and monitoring activities for the implementation and implementation of design solutions in practice, developed at the stage of technological design.
    The result of all the work of the project is an operating production.
  4. Escort
    It is an activity to maintain the values ​​of the target technical and economic indicators achieved as a result of the project. Planned cost reduction and efficiency gains in existing production. Maintaining the stability of quality and reliability of technological processes.
    The result is the stability of the technical and economic indicators of the production system achieved as a result of the project, as well as maintaining the competitiveness of products and production at a given level.
    We will be glad to see you among our regular customers and look forward to long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation!