I'd really like to think that I can post this suggestion to Runescape directly

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Runescape takes place only in the northern half of the world. The top of the map is frozen, similar to the north pole, while the bottom is hot similar to the Equator RS3 Gold. Is there ever a southern hemisphere. You don't need to reply to every point by this point, I'm simply asking a few questions to discuss. Personally, I think they should redo Karamja as well as the mainland to make them larger and add more content. This is an engineering challenge, however.

One of the most beneficial options Jagex could do would be to remove most of the Teleports that are in the game or make them difficult to use beyond the basic hub for teleportation. The world map appears smaller due to the numerous additional teleports.

It would also be well to vastly expand the size of nearly everything. The more wilderness there is, the more we feel we can immerse ourselves in the fantasy realm where we are the adventurers that traverse between the highest points of civilisation and the interiors of the badlands. Inevitably, with a properly large draw distance, the tiny size of the map would become obvious. Some key adjustments jagex can make to reduce that:

Restructure mountain ranges. We currently have three mountains that are extremely influential: the ones east of Varrock, Burthorpe's north, south Al Kharid and west of Ardougne Buy RuneScape 2007 Gold. Making them appear more real and letting rivers and so on flow smoothly from them would be massive in making the map more credible.
