The Prayerful Word - August 02

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Psalm 105:1 Oh give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples.

Hebrews 12:14 Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord.

Matthew 10:32-33 Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.

Psalm 91:15 When they call on Me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.

Ephesians 1:4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,

Isaiah 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure,’

When you see the enemy advancing and recognize the times and seasons, may you take counsel in the Spirit with trusted brethren in whom you see the Word of God lived out. 2 Chronicles 32

May you strengthen your spiritual defenses, clearing rubbish from your life and walking constantly with God. You will be strengthened in the Spirit by His Word in order to serve those in need around you. 2 Chronicles 32

May you be strong and courageous in the face of the enemy's attack, no matter how overwhelming the odds appear to be. Remember that the enemy is already defeated since you have the Lord your God to help you and to fight your battles. 2 Chronicles 32

May you bring your fears and discouragements, anxieties and questions, doubt and worries to the Lord in prayer. Cry out for help and confess your need with those whom you trust. The Lord will hear your sincere heart and respond, sending His saving grace. Those around you will know that the Lord, He is God. 2 Chronicles 32

May you always keep your heart tender toward the Lord, praising Him in humility for the kindnesses and mercies you receive. Do not grow proud, lest you experience God's judgment of grace. 2 Chronicles 32

My child, forget not to praise Me. In all of your circumstances, give thanks to Me. As you offer praise, the heavens shift and the balances swing. The Father is agreeable with those whose hearts are in agreement with His in love toward the Son.
Do not seek to find reason to praise in your circumstances, for though it is there, you are often too close to see it at first. Rather, remember My sacrifice, and how it has freed you from your life-long dread of punishment and fear of death. Recall the burden of guilt and shame that was released from your life when you accepted My redeeming sacrifice and were cleansed of your inherited sin-debt by My blood which paid in full that which was demanded for your soul. Re-live the joy that rose up in your heart at the light which entered your life when My Spirit touched your soul. Think on how He has continued to show you the way to walk and given you the strength from My Word to make the right choices.
As you continue to meditate on the realities of My work in your life for which there is no argument, and no substitute, worship will spring from your heart and flow from your lips. It is in this moment that the enemy is defeated and the snare which he has set for you through circumstances is broken. The forces he had arrayed against you lose their cohesiveness and turn against each other as you offer thanks to the Father. Be strong, and of good courage; fear not, for I am with you.

May your first desire and primary focus be to discern, and to do, the will of God, step by step, day by day, as He reveals it to you in your walk with the Lord. Romans 15

Even as you have freely received from others the spiritual ministry through which God has blessed you, refreshed and encouraged you, strengthened, guided and stabilized you, settled and renewed you, and equipped you with all spiritual gifts, may you willingly and cheerfully return to them what God has given to you. This will be to them proof of His abundance, and evidence of His love, working in your life to meet their needs. Romans 15

May your prayer always include those doing God's work of laboring in the harvest. Through the love of the Spirit, may you join in the spiritual struggle, as you recognize the resistance from unbelievers, and become aware of the antagonism from the powers of spiritual wickedness. This is your acceptable service to the saints, that through the power of the Spirit their hearts will be refreshed with joy and peace, and they would be rescued from harm by His grace. Romans 15

When you are lonely and afflicted and the troubles of your heart have multiplied, may the Lord turn to you and be gracious, looking upon your affliction and taking away all your sins, freeing you from your anguish. Psalm 25

May you take refuge in the Lord and put your hope in Him. His integrity and uprightness will protect you and you will not be put to shame. He will guard your life and rescue you from the enemies who hate you fiercely. Psalm 25

May the Spirit of God give you wisdom to discern those who are foolish in their allegiances and thoughtless in their loyalties, entangling themselves in rash relationships and incautious partnerships. May you prudently place no trust in their promises and sagely secure any pledge they proffer. Proverbs 20:16

May you always turn to the Word of God for wisdom and seek the Spirit of God for good sense, whether you plan a business venture or a war campaign. May you be stably grounded and securely advised in all you do, to the glory of God and the growth of His kingdom. Proverbs 20:18
