Civil Engineering

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A civil engineer is responsible for building many of the structures you use every day

Civil Engineering Degree Online

A civil engineer is responsible for building many of the structures you use every day. Buildings, roads, and bridges are just a few of the everyday things civil engineers spend their careers designing and improving. This type of engineering, in particular, is a very specialized field, and employers appreciate highly trained and educated professionals. What should I know when considering a degree in Civil Engineering?

  • Civil engineers specialize in creating structures such as bridges, skyscrapers, and roads.
  • Civil engineers can make anywhere from $44,000 and $60,000 a year at the beginning of their careers.
  • Trained civil engineers are often remembered after their career is over by the structures they’ve left behind as their life’s work.

What do civil engineers do?

Civil engineers are the puppeteers behind any road, building, or water system in every place of the world. They plan, design, construct and maintain all of the we take for granted every day. Before anything is built, a civil engineer gives the okay as to whether the structure will be functional and whether would be safe for people to use daily for decades to come. Civil engineers can be found throughout history, making structures tourists travel the world to see. The ancient Roman Coliseum, the Vatican, the Aztec temples, the Taj Mahal, and the Egyptian Pyramids were all once just a planned idea in an engineer’s head.
