I've always wished I could post this suggestion directly to Runescape

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People making the argument of Runescape's coming death (many of whom are trying to discredit the recent content of the game) usually use the Google trend for Runescape.com as evidence. In case you are not familiar with it here is the link RS3 Items. It is possible to think that this graph is worse than it actually is. It's because it makes it appear that there isn't any activity at all in the game, but it clearly has plenty.

At first glance, it appears like the game has ended. It's hard not to agree with this. The popularity of Runescape has decreased since the peak of December. It is important to note that other similar games, such as World of Warcraft, have also seen a decline in activity. However, this graph doesn't mean there is no reason to be optimistic regarding the game.

If you are able to overlook the huge decrease in the amount of activity you may observe that the decrease in activity has slowed to a trickle towards the end of the graph. Also, over the past year and a half there hasn't really been that much activity decrease in the form of real players. Although the perception of activity has diminished the actual players have been increasing in number since then.

Does this mean Runescape isn’t dead? Not necessarily. But if it is dying it is dying a lot slower than people make it out to be. Runescape has lost three activity points to Google trend over the past year and a half. To give a an example, between July 2009 and January 2011 (also an interval of one year and a half) Runescape lost 43 of Google Trend's activity points osrs infernal cape buy. Anyone who plans to attend the funeral of Runescape shouldn't plan to take time from work soon.
