The Prayerful Word - August 28

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

James 1:17 The Father of the heavenly lights …. does not change like shifting shadows.

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.

Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

Psalm 37:12-13 The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them; 13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is coming.

Galatians 5:24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Hebrews 10:35 Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.

May you be as diligent in searching for the priceless wealth of God's eternal wisdom and His secure grace mercy as miners are in digging through rock for perishable gemstones and gold that can be stolen. Job 28

May you value the heavenly wisdom and understanding even as God does, Who willingly sends His Spirit to lavishly gift you with it when you ask, for the knowing and enjoying of God is worth exceedingly more than earth's riches can afford. Job 28

May you receive with willingness the revealed will of God, which is to fear the Lord and to shun evil, for this understanding and wisdom is hid in Christ but revealed through the Word, received by faith through the gift of the Spirit, without concern for the mystery of life's difficulties but sufficient to reveal the beauty of His holiness. Job 28

May you be watchful and diligent when, for a season, the comfort of God's presence withdraws, that through the trial of your faith and the testing of His grace, your fervent prayers and diligent watchfulness may seek for a more intimate and find a more personal relationship, for if you seek Him with your whole heart, He will be found. Job 29

May you serve the Lord as His hands outstretched and His feet on the earth, speaking life-giving words as His voice in men's ears, but ever, and always, giving Him the glory and pointing others to praise Him, for you are but a servant, a willing slave, trusted but purchased, having nothing of your own and owing all to the Master, for He is most worthy of all honor and glory from the lips and the hearts of men. Job 29

May your trust be in the Lord alone, and not in your riches, goods, or reputation, for whether He exalts your position or walks with you through the ash-heap, the comfort of His presence brings peace, and the lives that He leads you to are of great value to Him. Job 29

May you submit your expectations to the Lord and trust Him to bring life from your circumstances, knowing that all you have comes from Him, and His loving wisdom will lead you where you need to go. Job 30

You are Mine, My child. I sought for you and found you when you were not searching for Me. I made Myself known to you and drew you with My cords of love. I bought you Myself, accepting the burden of debt you carried, though it bore the penalty of death.
I paid the asking price, exorbitant though it was, without haggling or bargaining, covering the principal on the cross, and including the interest as well as every incidental fee that could be added, through My scourging, beatings, humiliations and shame. I esteemed them as not worthy to be considered for the joy of finding and redeeming you, and bringing you back to the family of God.
Your captor, My adversary, Satan, kept you, tormented and full of fear, ever anxious and full of doubt, always distressed and considering the darkest “what if” scenarios for yourself and those you love, for he delighted in feeding from your emotions as they spun out of control, spiraling downward, causing turmoil within you and with all your relationships.
But you agreed to the transfer of title, changing masters, making Me the Lord of your life. The shackles of iron have been removed, the barred door of your cell opened, the burdensome weight of oppression removed; I have brought you out into the healing light and given you living water and the true bread of life. Your wounds have been dressed with the healing balm of Gilead and anointed with pure olive oil. As you have grown stronger and healthier, I have fitted you with My yoke, which is easy and designed for you to make My burden light.
When old memories return, or when old adversaries whisper remembered threats and dire warnings, turn to Me as your rightful owner and the One who has authority to rebuke those voices and those powers who illicitly and illegitimately try to enslave your mind and feed from your emotions again. I am your Lord, and I am jealous for you. My wrath is hot against any who raise their hand against My own, and against any who seek to touch My dear one without loving as I do.
I am your Rock, My precious one. Shelter in Me, take refuge in Me, grow calm and renew My peace in your heart and your mind for I am your strong defense, never sleeping; I am your gentle Shepherd, bringing you to peaceful waters and quiet pastures. Walk with Me in the quiet of My garden and receive the healing fragrance of My love.

May you give the praise and the glory to God for all your triumphs in sharing His Word and for every success in spreading His gospel, for He always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ, spreading the fragrance of the knowledge of the Lord, as you speak before God with sincerity. 2 Corinthians 2

May your soul thirst for the living God as the deer pants for streams of water; may you long for the time to go and meet with Him, pouring out your soul as you seek the satisfaction and joys of His presence. Psalm 42

May you put your hope in God, that your soul will not be downcast or disturbed within yourself, for you will yet praise your Savior and your God. Psalm 42

May you remember the Lord wherever you go, finding that the deep desires of your soul call to the deep resources of God, for He directs His love to you by day, and at night His song, a prayer to the God of your life, is with you. Psalm 42
