As the Evolution of Combat update burns down on players of Runescape

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Hello! I'm one of those people who have to know everything about them. It's not the business of people however, how things function RS 2007 Fire Cape. I've sold willow longbows (u) and then selling the willow longbows to general stores since no one would purchase them at the price of 83gp for a pound. The store sells them at 64 gp per each. I get 16 gp per willow long (u). What is the general shop's function? Can it be able to be sold at a price four times higher than it was originally paid?

But, I noticed on certain fan sites that they have items that have similar low alch earnings that are that are sold to general shops. However, this isn't applicable to the willow long (u). If you lower alch them, they will cost 64 Gp per ea, however 16 gp per ounce when you sell them to the general store, the STORE will sell at 64 gp per. I'm wondering if there's an established formula that is applicable to all items sold in general stores, or whether there are any some exceptions.

This is my thought when I looked up the databases of items of various websites. One website stated that an Armadyl Godsword can be bought at the general store at a cost of zero GBP. It's obviously not possible, therefore I'm not sure whether they meant to say that it could not be purchased in the general shop. Other commonly used items, like bows, appear to be following the "multiply-by-4" rule. This means that if you offer an item for 1 gp, they'll sell it at 4 and the list goes on.

To ensure to ensure that I don't become angry Please let me know what the standard applies to every item. Perhaps I should begin selling my items to the general store and then buying them all over again. Okay, I've got an issue with this book Buy OSRS Accounts. It's not available even if you already have one in your bank or inventory. It can take a while to finish it.
