Kill greater demons in the Forinthry Dungeon

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Kill greater demons in the Forinthry Dungeon, use rune arrows. 100k gp/hr is a great rate, and it is one of the best range xp options for OSRS gold free players that I'm aware of. Multicombat can be turned on to make it easier to kill the next demonic. My estimate of the cost to do air runes at 66 runecraft is around 200k/hr. I haven't done it recently.

Mining rune. I haven't done this for a while since they dramatically decreased the number of f2p worlds. I mined for about one month ago in the lavamaze, and sometimes jumping to other realms with f2p. About half the worlds with Pkers were in there. There isn't an kbd lair therefore your options are to take them out (doable early in your trip), die, or take all the ways to 20 wild. There is a lot of competition in the mining guild resource dungeon however it could be more enjoyable than the wilderness. I might have missed some. I did post an extensive list of resources in June last year.

The Defence pack will bring you down to level 1, your overall level of Attack and Strength Magic, Ranged, and Magic must be at or above 10. This sounds very abused. In essence, anyone who has the ability to fight at their maximum right now could transform into buy RuneScape Mobile gold a pure maxed with 1 defence.
