The Prayerful Word - September 03

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Psalm 139:14 The psalmist wrote, I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; that I know very well.

John 9:3 "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."

Job 2:10 Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?

Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Proverbs 19:22 What is desired in a man is steadfast love

Romans 5:5 ...because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

May you have the wisdom to prefer few possessions, with the peace of God that passes understanding, rather than the inner turmoil required when grasping for more of the world's possessions, which will turn to dust in your hands and ashes in your mouth in a short time. Ecclesiastes 4

May you walk in fellowship with God, Who is well able to uphold you when the footing is treacherous and strengthen your hands when the day grows long, giving you shelter from the storm and refuge from the enemy. Ecclesiastes 4

May you come into the presence of the Lord with the fear of God providing humility of heart and quietness of spirit, that you may listen to His voice before daring to speak and accept His counsel before daring to advise. Ecclesiastes 5

May you remember that God is in heaven, and you have nothing that will enrich the Holy One, nor can you say anything which will enlighten the Fount of all wisdom. Ecclesiastes 5

May you stand in awe of God, not letting your mouth lead you into sin, for self-centered imaginings and a flood of self-satisfying words are meaningless. Ecclesiastes 5

May you be certain that if you declare a promise to God, you do not delay, but fulfill it – He has no pleasure in fools, and it is better not to make a vow than to pledge and not follow through. Ecclesiastes 5

May you receive the gift of God to accept your lot in life and be happy in your work, for it is good and proper to eat and drink and find satisfaction in your labor; you will not walk in regret for the days of your life when God keeps you occupied with gladness of heart. Ecclesiastes 5

May you know that the efforts which you make in response to your appetites will never be enough, for much can do no more than the little which sustains you comfortably; when you have what pleases God to give you, let that be pleasing to you. Ecclesiastes 6

My child, do not compare yourself with others, for when you do, you are judging them, and yourself, without full knowledge which is essential to righteous judgment. I am the One who judges righteously, and I have not appointed you to take My place.
Instead, I have appointed you to be one of My officers of the court, assigned to carry out My judgments. My court officers must be loyal to Me, sworn to uphold My Word, and to empty themselves of their own opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, understanding and wisdom.
Before you can enter into My service, you must walk with Me, and learn of Me, to know whether you can trust Me. You must accept My judgment in your life before you can carry My judgment to others. You must experience My righteousness and be convinced of My integrity in your life before you can yield with an obedient heart and humble mind, cleansed of bitterness and unforgiveness, and minister My judgments to My people with clean hands and a pure spirit.
For just as the Father has judged Me worthy of life after man judged Me deserving of death, even so, in My compassion I have deemed the poor deserving to have their debt paid and the defenseless to be defended, the widow to be given a family to care for her, and the fatherless to know the Father, the despondent to be shown hope, and the despairing to be shown mercy. These are My judgments, and this is the work I call you to.
Just as I have done in your life, contrary to how men have judged you, so I send you, emptied of man's judgment, to execute My judgment of compassion, healing, mercy, and acceptance.

May you come to understand in ever greater depth and detail what it means to become the temple of the living God, and to be accepted as sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty, for then you will not need to seek acceptance from the unbeliever or be able to find harmony with the evil-doer. 2 Corinthians 6

May you purify yourself from everything that contaminates body and spirit, completing your sanctification in the fear of God since He has given us such exceeding great and wonderful promises. 2 Corinthians 7

May you clap your hands and shout to God with cries of joy, for the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth, is awesome, subduing our enemies and giving us a choice inheritance because He loves us! Psalm 47

May you sing praises to God our King for He has ascended amid shouts of joy and the sounding of trumpets. Psalm 47

May you sing to God a psalm of praise for He is the King of all the earth and reigns over the nations; He is seated on His holy throne as the nobles of the nations assemble before the God of Abraham for the kings of the earth belong to Him – He is greatly exalted. Psalm 47
