The Prayerful Word - September 09

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Romans 8:28 We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.

Job 12:22 He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings deep shadows into the light

Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

Proverbs 7:2 Keep My commands and you will live; guard My teachings as the apple of your eye.

Proverbs 31:9 Open your mouth, judge righteously, and administer justice for the poor and needy.

Galatians 5:16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

May you hear the word of the Lord telling you that it will be well with you, as it is with all the righteous, for you will enjoy the fruit of your deeds. Isaiah 3

May you only see with your eyes the reward of the wicked, the ones whose words and deeds are against the Lord, defying His glorious presence, parading their sin like Sodom and not hiding it, for they will be paid back for what their hands have done. Isaiah 3

May you rejoice in the beauty and the glory of the Branch of the Lord and the fruit of the earth which will be the pride and pleasure of the survivors who remain in Jerusalem and are called holy. Isaiah 4

May you seek the shelter of the canopy of the glory of the Lord, a cloud for shade by day and glowing fire for warmth by night, giving a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain for all who will accept the cleansing from bloodstains by a spirit of judgment and a spirit of fire. Isaiah 4

May you have a high regard for the deeds of the Lord, and a great respect for the work of His hands in your life, lest you go into exile for lack of understanding His desire to draw you by His grace and accept you by His love. Isaiah 5

My child, draw near to Me and walk close to Me in familiar fellowship, satisfied in My love and comforted as the object of My thoughts. The supply of the world will be cut off, and the support of its people will be removed. I am the only source there will be, and My people, who have learned to know My voice and be led by My Spirit, are the only ones who will know how to find Me. I am the Lord who teaches you that which is profitable to learn and will prove beneficial to your lives, removing the consequences of past failures. I lead you in the proper pathway through life, showing you the right thing to do.
Those who do My works for the praise of men are not of My own, for they have never humbled themselves, turning from their pride to seek after My heart. They still walk in their own ways, unrepentant, seeking that which is of the world and not that which is of the Father, and they will perish with the world unless they turn from their wicked ways to seek Me in sorrow and humility.
Though the supply of food and medicine grows short, and the supply of goods becomes scarce for all who are in the world, My people shall not want, for I am your Shepherd. Though the support of civic officials decay, and justice can scarcely be found, though mature decisions from leaders are uncommon and wise counsel is rarely heard in public forums, My people shall walk in peace and certainty, for I am leading you in right paths beside still waters, and I am your strong defense.
Do not set your affections on the things of this world, neither its nations or its institutions, its monuments or its memorials, for all these things shall pass away and be forgotten. Acknowledge them for what they are, and honor the courage and dedication they may represent, but do not make idols of them or give them the worship that is Mine.
Have pity on, and show compassion for, all who realize there is more and are still searching, for these are My lost sheep, but do not strive with those who desire only to debate, those who are not seeking truth but only enjoy strife. My Spirit is still working with them, and I will bring you back to them when they are ready, lest they trample underfoot the pearls I give you.
Stand on My Word, My precious one, and remain steadfast, enduring in the face of affliction, sheltered in the cleft of your Rock. Though your foot slips, My loving-kindness will uphold you, for I am your advocate and the Father is accepting of My intercession for you. I will strengthen you in order for you to strengthen your brothers. I am holding your hand, My lovely one, and though you stumble six times I will deliver you; even seven times, and evil will not touch you, for you will rise again and not know calamity. I am able to save forever each one who draws near to God through Me.

May you be humbly willing to be fed and nurtured by the Lord as a shepherd grazes his sheep in their pasture and his lambs among the ruins of the rich, for the Lord Almighty will be exalted by His justice, and the Holy God will show Himself holy by His righteousness. Isaiah 5

May you wait patiently for God to complete His work and fulfill the plan of the Holy One as the time approaches, giving mercy to those in the valley of decision, knowing woe is coming for those who call evil “good” and sorrow is laid up for all who put darkness for light, heartache will be waiting for those who are wise in their own eyes, drawing sin along with cords of deceit and wickedness as with cart ropes. Isaiah 5

May you be plain in speech and transparent in behavior toward others, not lifted by pride or turned by arrogance lest the gospel of Christ be disgraced, demonstrating God's compassion towards the poor and needy while withstanding the servants of God's adversary, whose end will be what their actions deserve. 2 Corinthians 11

May you rejoice and be glad when God restores the fortunes of His people and brings salvation for Israel out of Zion! Psalm 53

May you seek God and desire understanding, unlike the fool who says in his heart that there is no God. Psalm 53
