US Dedicated – A Lead To Reliable Web Hosting

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Web hosting had contributed much in maintaining the speed of the websites. The websites today have to keep a good track of their speeds if they want to exist in this competitive era.

Web hosting had contributed much in maintaining the speed of the websites. The websites today have to keep a good track of their speeds if they want to exist in this competitive era. The fact is undeniable that almost every business, be it small or medium-sized is operating a website to manage its functions. When the businesses plan to design these websites they look for a web host. The least time a website takes in loading, the more efficient it reflects. 

Website views can be determined by the speed they are approachable to the audience. If we consider it numerically, around 47% of the readers wait no longer than 2-3 minutes for a website to load and they not only switch to your competitors, also influence the people around them to not to use the website due to their bad experience. Just a page loading speed has marked to have increased the page views by 20% alone. However, a 12% increase in sales is also expected by this alteration.


Web hosting and Google Search Ranking

When the importance of web hosting and its impact on the Google search engine ranking is being realized, companies try best to opt for the best web hosting enterprises. The US Dedicated caters to this group and provides them with the finest page loading time. This aids the websites to maintain their Google ranking. As the pages which consume longer time than average in loading, they are being thrown at the back pages of Google search engine and decline in sales become their fate. Load time is considered to be amongst the crucial elements of Search engine algorithms.


The link between hosting and speed

When a shared hosting plan is being opted, the consequences lead to shared resources with the other websites on the host's server. Bandwidth and memory usage are the factors, a page load time depend upon while user access it.

Similarly, when a website in the host server is attracting some traffic of customers then it may cartelize the available resources and the other websites on the server suffers. Such penalties encourage the websites to opt for trustworthy Virtual Private Servers (VPS).


What is VPS?

Although VPS is the other way round of a shared server, as well it facilitates the company's website by providing them with segregated virtual machines and they all pretend to be independent servers. Thus, the client websites are being allocated with individualized resources and they are not destined to share these resources with the other websites on the server. This enhances the websites’ responsiveness and loads them more rapidly.


How VPS assists the company’s websites?

A VPS turns out to be an efficient solution in the smooth, consistent and quicker receptiveness of the websites. US Dedicated has put in extensive efforts in setting up its client websites with a Virtual Private Server generating an impressively quick load time. This is the service of US Dedicated is turning the potential audience of the websites into their customers.

Moreover, estimations show that the websites can avail this exclusive service without having to pay for their private servers and made them cost-effective by saving up to $100 every month.
