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Is there any evidence of what happens after death? - PLEASE SHARE ON YOUR TIMELINE AND BE A WATCHMAN/WOMAN!!



 Is there any evidence of what happens after death?

 Yes, first and foremost, the evidence that YAHWEH Elohim (God) has given to us in His Word, the Bible. This is a 100% reliable and wonderful revelation; and it does not leave us ignorant. It tells us very definitely about what is beyond death.

 Of course! We do know what is going to happen beyond death. We cannot pronounce the fate of every individual, of course, because we do not always know the true relationship of a person to YAHWEH Elohim (God). But the Bible certainly gives us guidance. And it’s the only book that can give us the guidance. An amazing book! What other book in the world can tell us clearly what is going to happen after death?

 In many of my posts I have shown how the Bible's prophecies are being so literally fulfilled. Prophecies concerning Israel's return to the land - prophecies that are being minutely fulfilled; prophecies of how Russia will become a great leader of a northern alliance in the end-time - a prophecy made 2,500 years ago, and that is being fulfilled today; the prophecy of Daniel about the Revived Roman Empire - the nations uniting in Europe today! And the prophecy about the end-time dictator whose number is 666 - and how he will arise from the Roman Empire, and number every person in the world - and we can see this numbering/identification system well on the way!

 The Bible’s prophecies about the future life will also be fulfilled. Indeed, it is only right that our Heavenly Father should reveal something to us of the future. He should tell us what will happen. Why should He leave us to guess? Why should HE leave us in doubt? After all, it is a very mysterious subject, and the thought of the after-life can be very fearful. We all know that death will be our last journey, and that there will be no return! Should Elohim, then, leave us to make a leap into the dark? No! He has revealed what happens after death!


 Many of us have read the accounts of how Yahshua Messiah (Christ), brought Lazarus of Bethany back to life. And how we wished we could have spoken to Lazarus, and asked him about what he saw and experienced during those four days when he was dead.

 In recent years, there has been quite a lot of discussion about after-death experiences. With more advanced medical technology, many people whose hearts have stopped beating for some time, have been brought back to life. Various accounts have been written.

 There have been a number of testimonies who have had glimpses of the beyond. We do not take such testimonies as the main evidence. For a believer, of course, the Bible is full and sufficient evidence. But some people say; “No, but if someone would come back from the dead and tell us, we would believe.”

 Maybe! But Father Abraham said to the rich man who was pleading with him to send someone from the dead to warn his brothers of the reality of hell;

 “If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded even if someone should rise from the dead.” Luke 16:31

 Many people will never believe! YAHWEH the Redeemer, however, has allowed some people to “come back from the dead” to give witness; or for various other reasons according to His own will.


….next…What is Death? —
