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First let us answer this question. Some people say, “Death is when you are finished.” PLEASE SHARE ON YOUR TIMELINE AND BE A WATCHMAN/WOMAN!!



 First let us answer this question. Some people say, “Death is when you are finished.” Other people say, “It’s when you go to sleep.” Others say, “Oh, that’s when you go to join the universal spirit.” Most people have the belief that death is a door into another realm.

 If we look in the dictionary, that doesn’t give us very much help. I looked it up, and the dictionary defined death as “the end of life.” Then I thought, “How does the dictionary define life?” It defines life as existence.

 So the dictionary says death is the end of existence. But that is not what the Bible says. Life is far more than mere existence. You might say a rock is existing, but it doesn’t have much life, does it? The table where you have your meals is existing, but it doesn’t have much life. In fact, some people are merely existing in the world, and they don’t have much life either. If you ask the man in the street, “What is life?”, he will say, “It’s this crazy existence.” Most people seem to be vague about life as well as death.

 But the Bible tells us about the realities. Certainly, death is not the cessation of existence. Remember, man is a tripartite being. There are three parts to our being. We have a body, we have a soul, and we have a spirit. Your face is something you look at in the mirror every day. It belongs to your body. You know that. But what of the soul and the spirit - what is the difference? They are very hard to divide, or define, but there is a difference.

 The soul is the invisible part of us that is conscious of the things around us. With my soul I understand the world around me. With my soul, I love my friends and hate my enemies. (Except I’m not supposed to hate my enemies. And when Yahshua Messiah (Christ) comes into the heart, He makes the difference). With the soul we express our emotions; we feel and understand immaterial things around us; we appreciate sounds, beauty or tragedy. We become world-conscious.

 With the spirit we become conscious of YAHWEH. If our spirit is alive, we can worship Elohim (God.) With the soul, we appreciate the things of the earth, but with the spirit, we appreciate the things of heaven. So that is basically the difference between soul and spirit. Yet they are very much connected; and together, they form the invisible part of us.

 Some people say the soul and the spirit are the real person, but we have to admit the body is very much a part of us also.

 The Bible speaks about three types of death.

 There is the physical death that we have been talking about. I don’t have to prove to you that there is a physical death. You know that very well. And as we read in Hebrews, it is appointed for every one to die. That is physical death.

 We read about this in 1 Corinthians 15:21-22. This verse tells us how death came into the world.

 “For since death came into the world through a man, the resurrection of the dead has come also through a Man. For just as all through union with Adam die, so all who are in union with the Messiah will be made alive.”

 So death came in with Adam. And yet Adam was not created to die! YAHWEH ELOHIM made Adam so that he might live forever! But because he sinned, death became a new reality. The very day Adam sinned, something happened. He experienced death in his soul, and then later, when he was 930 years old, he also died physically. And because Adam sinned, we also sin, for we have inherited his sinful nature. And as you and I have sinned, we also are condemned to die - because of our sin! Spiritual death and physical death, both, are the result of sin.

 Will you please notice in this verse, it also says, “Through one Man came also the resurrection from the dead.” This is the wonderful assurance of the Gospel. The Master, Yahshua (Jesus) Himself is the guarantee of resurrection! (Yahshua is the original Hebrew Name of Jesus). Because He rose from the dead, we also will rise. And for believers, that is a wonderful, guaranteed, expectation! For an unbeliever, it is not a joyful prospect at all.

 Though our bodies turn to dust in the grave, or though they may be burnt by fire, we will rise again! One day, in our bodies, we will stand before YAHWEH THE ALMIGHTY LIVING ELOHIM (God)! There is a resurrection for every soul! Every one of us will stand before ELOH, for every one will be raised - some to everlasting life, some to everlasting contempt. Daniel 12:2

