The Lowdown Truth #25: Truth vs. Lies

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There can be only one truth, so what is it?

There can be only one truth, so what is it? Is it so hard to conceive that there are wealthy elitists who have a nefarious plan for the common people whom they call “useless eaters.” Is it so hard to imagine there are conspirators who are deceiving us with false claims of disease in order to use the created emergency to take our rights away and make us volunteer for an experimental shot made by eugenicists? I think the opposite is true, that it is hard to imagine the rulers and rich elite are simply thinking of helping the masses, making sure we are healthy and safe!

People hear what they want to hear, yet ignoring alarming facts isn’t going to go well for them. Just like it isn’t going well for the cows being herded and shipped to the slaughterhouses, it won’t go well for those who get on the trucks and allow the priests in white coats to slaughter them in so many ways — maybe with a sharp object full of poison. The slow kill method is their choice of weaponry, as the deaths can always be blamed later on something else like the mysterious cancer, which is the ruling elite’s favorite disease to kill off the unsuspecting masses. 

Are theories facts? If not, then someone ought to tell every professor and teacher teaching macroevolution as a fact otherwise! In fact, our entire modern world is based on theories and bubble gum fantasies, yet the people love to have it so, as they only have ears to hear what they want to hear. Helliocentricism, transgenderism, virus theory, fiat economy, big bang theory, COVID, and Michelle Obama as a man — all theories claimed to be facts by the liars in charge. 

Let us seek and love the truth always, as we expose lies and liars for the damned cowards they are. 

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 (10)And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. (11) And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie; (12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Originally published at The Lowdown Truth May 29, 2021

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