Matthew 25

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Jewish eternal rewards and Gentile eternal destiny

Matthew 25:1-46

By Ron Bedell (B.A. Florida Bible College, Biblical Education B.A. Cedarville College, Biology)


Matthew 25:1-30 - The coming judgment on Israel (the Jews) at Christ’s Second Coming which is at the end of the seven year Tribulation and before Christ’s 1000 year Millennial Kingdom reign. This is a judgment to eternal rewards and kingdom reign with Christ, NOT eternal destiny (Heaven or Hell). All Israel will be saved at Christ’s second coming. The subjects of this judgment will be physically living Jews who have physically survived the terrible seven year Tribulation.


Matthew 25:31-46 – The coming judgment on the Gentiles at Christ’s Second Coming which is at the end of the seven year Tribulation and before Christ’s 1000 year Millennial Kingdom reign. This is a judgment to determine eternal destiny of Tribulation Gentiles. The “sheep” (saved or righteous Tribulation Gentiles) will demonstration their righteousness (that is, they are eternally saved) on how they treat “My brethren” (Tribulation Jews – verse 40). The “goats” (unbelieving Tribulation Gentiles) will be thrown into hell at Christ’s Second Coming. Remember the Second Coming is not the Rapture. Christ’ Second Coming will happen seven years AFTER the Rapture. The Rapture will happen first; then there will be seven years of Tribulation on the earth; then Christ will return at His Second Coming.


Remember, all Jewish and Gentile believers in Christ during this present (2000 year) Church Age will be Raptured. Therefore only Jewish and Gentile unbelievers in Christ will get left behind (left on earth) to endure the terrible seven year Tribulation. The seven year Tribulation is the seventh week (one week equals seven years) of Daniel’s prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27).


Important: only physically living Jewish and Gentile believers in Christ (at Christ’ Second Coming) will be permitted to enter Christ’s 1000 year Millennial Kingdom. All Gentile unbelievers (in Christ) at Christ’s Second Coming will be thrown into Hell (This hell is not the final hell – Lake of Fire is the Final Hell).  


Furthermore: All unbelievers in Christ (Jewish and Gentile) from all the ages will appear at the Great White Throne Judgment – Revelation 20:11-15. This judgment will happen after Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. This judgment will determine the amount of eternal punishment all unbelievers in Christ will receive in the final hell - Lake of Fire!
