Quality Control Inspections are classified into five categories

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Quality Control Inspections are classified into five categories

1. Pre-Production Inspection (PPI)

A pre-production inspection is the very first inspection that takes place after a purchase order is placed. During a PPI inspection, a quality control inspector will visit the manufacturing facility of your supplier to assess the quality of raw materials, components, and other preparations being made for the manufacturing process.

2. First Article Inspection (FAI)

Once production has begun at a supplier's facility, a first article inspection can be performed. With an FAI inspection, your quality control inspector will inspect the first mass production run of your product from both the factory floor and the design documentation.

3. During the Production Inspection (DPI)

A production inspection takes place once 20-50% of your product run has been completed and packed. During Production Inspection, a quality control inspector will inspect the finished product to ensure that all processes are being followed to the agreed-upon standard. They will also look to identify any product deviations or issues as early as possible in the manufacturing process.

4. Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI)

A Pre-Shipment Inspection, also known as a final random inspection, verifies that the supplier has manufactured your products according to your specifications and packaged them in accordance with your purchase contract. This will be carried out using a random sample of products taken from the shipment, and as a result, it will only be carried out once the manufacturing run is complete and at least 80% of the order has been packed.

5. Container Loading Inspection (CLI)

A container loading inspection is the final type of quality control inspection. In contrast to the other inspections, this one takes place at a supplier's or forwarder's warehouse. During a CLI inspection, your quality control inspector will supervise the loading of shipping containers to ensure that your order has been packed properly.
