My Very First Memory

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This is the very first memory of my life. I believe that children remember everything. Whatever has happened, it's there somewhere, waiting to be rediscovered, if it is good. If it is bad, with certain help, it can be refiled, as in therapy of EMDR.

Many people don't realize that babies are much more intelligent than adults can imagine. Oh, there are child psychologists, who may THINK they know, and understand what babies are doing and trying to say, when they babel. However, their papers are written from the perspective of obvservance, nothing more.  Even more amazingly to me, is the fact that many of these people have NEVER had children of their own! Their PHDs can't really help them. The best we can do, is to read many of these papers, along with a myriad of child behavioral books, and hope for the best, if we happen to be in a situation, that we may soon be a parent. 

Unless, someone might have a memory or two, while very young, and can remember enough to report it. To the best of my ability, this is such an article. I can only hope that it may give some people an insight as to how some children, I suspect, most gain their knowledge long before their parents become aware of it. One can only make such a report based on one's own experience, to be fair, this is the only thing anyone can do.

The atmophere was dark, but very peaceful and joyful. I could feel a forward momentum, and realized that I was in a moving vehicle of conveyance, of some type. Even though I was a small baby, perhaps a month or two old, as when I left the body, I viewed my physical self, swaddled, in a little, white blanket. Upon going through the roof of the car, I floated above it, while obvserving the movement of the car. Of course, not knowing the names for any of the objects which I saw, I'm simply describing what I saw, now that I know what all these objects are called. A white car, with fins, and a black converible top, was traveling down the road. In the small storage place, where the convertible top rests, when down, is where I had been placed. Coming back inside, my spirit (energy body) floated to the front seat, where I had been attracted to several things. I recognized the high, sweet laughter of my mother's voice. I didn't know what music was, but I really liked it. I moved closer. In those days, dials had white lighting behind them for illumination, but also had phlorescent push buttons and knobs that glowed in the dark, for easier recognition. As I moved toward the radio, it was a wonderful display of color, sound, light and music for me. I also felt so much love coming from my mother. My mother was laughing at something my father had said. I turned to look at him, realizing now, that he was the pilot of this vehicle. My baby's curiosity satisfied, for the time being, I floated back, and down into my body. Apparently, babies, unlike older children and adults, see in 360 degree manner, whenever they wish. Now back into my phyiscal "home," I naturally faced upwards, looking through the thick, plastic window, dubbed "Eisenglass," after President Eisenower, looking through it, up at the bright stars. I then said to myself, in perfectly formed, adult English, "Yes! I've made it!" (Now, how I could form these thoughts, speaking to myself, or just WHERE I had made it from, is still a mystery to me.) This then, was just to be the beginning of many "normal" incidents for me, though some would think them to be "supernatural," I truly think that most of my life was fairly normal. I think that many people feel inhibited to talk about it, and because of this, our knowledge of this early stage of life, is simply not known. I'm not saying that I remember every day of my younger life. However, I do believe that when a memory stands out for us, that we are much more apt to remember it.
