Hello, my name is Elsa S. Ray, I'm 34 years old. I'm a writer.

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Hello, my name is Elsa S. Ray, I'm 34 years old. I'm a writer.

 Hello, my name is Elsa S. Ray, I'm 34 years old. I'm a writer. Morning, alarm clock and waking up, a couple of deep breaths, exercise, by the way, it might be beneficial to create an article about yoga: not in the sense of an ancient religious practice but in the sense of a psychophysical aid to the modern homo sapiens. It's a good thing. You'll feel more at ease in your body and you have a better mental outlook. I will write.

 What's on the agenda? A piece about the banking crisis. That's incredible. It was not an unnecessary time-waster. Every experience brings benefits. It's something I'd love to believe.

 Although I have always enjoyed making up stories, it can still be a bit odd to create stories about certain topics. Every day is a new adventure. Rarely are there many opportunities to learn in so many areas, no matter what profession.

 After a while it was a while before the doorbell rang. The paper mail was handed out. Pamphlets for advertising as well as electoral waste papers... Oh! Tea country!!! It's a fascinating subject to write about. Ceylon, China, tea ceremonies, numerous tea varieties, marvelous ways of processing tea leaves, centuries-old tea traditions... What incredible people these Chinese are. We didn't invent the ability to soak in clarified butter and then sell it to the world as a wonderful delight like the chamomile. What's the reason? This is useful information.

 Another crucial point is that one must view writing not as a profession, but a game. Because writing is an obligation. He is not required to play a game. When imagining a game in his mind, and someone who is a dreamer and intelligent and fascinating and beautiful in total joy, he creates reality and hopes and creates an amazing piece of art in the end.

 This is exactly how I operate as an author! I feel fulfilled because I found my niche in this world.

 Sincere convictions tell me that writing can be a flexible career. At any rate, for the first time, I'm earning money from something that gives me pleasure. It's not true that writing articles to order is my primary source of income, but so long as it's a job close to a hobby. I can't imagine life without it.

 I work as a writer on the https://resumewritinglab.com/ platform. You can request a free edit within 7 days of receipt of your CV.
