In retrospect, I see that the guild I was invited wasn't

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Your points are good and make sense. However you did not WOW Classic TBC Gold mention Garrosh in your wotlk. Garrosh was a major influence in several things due to his many years fighting in northrend. It was one of the major reasons that he became warchief.

Botanica's underleveled mages are obvious being cheated, I can comprehend the logic behind it. But how do you make mass reports of rogues in BRD just based on their class, level as well as their place of residence? I'm afraid innocent people may become entangled in these massive reports and be punished for playing the the game.

The system is automated and needs a huge quantity of reports triggered. The system will not notice a rando guildless Rogue running within the dungeon to exactly the same level as bots.

It was just that I was bored of playing the game generally and didn't go much further. I also didn't have any characters on the highest level. I wasn't feeling any passion for the game.

A few days ago, I thought "Hey I'll make the paladin I want to play with, similar to Uther" which is the plan I took. I leveled to about 5 levels, and was getting ready to quit until I received a random guild invite. I was invited to an RP guild.

I was lost, but I joined the guild nonetheless.

Know that I have no knowledge of WoWRP. I made it clear in guild chat. However the person inviting me to join said that it was okay and could even show me how to do it.

The person spent two days giving me RP as well as basic lore information. Also, he encouraged me to step my character up so that I can more efficiently perform RP (By transmogs , and the like).

This person, taught a complete noobie about something I've never seen before. It is the sole reason I am here today.

In retrospect, I see that the guild I was invited wasn't the best for roleplay.

The the GM was a dramatic queen. God-emoting was not a rare thing and the stories were very interesting and snarky.

They were also kind, genuine, understood I was still a beginner and supported me at every step of the way.

The truth is that this was at least 7 years earlier. The guild has ceased to be active, and I'm just going to admit that I do not buy WOW TBC Gold recall any names of its members. It's what it looks like.
