Well I'm going to buy myself some RS membership

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Well I'm going to buy myself some OSRS GP membership. As it's my first month with RS, I have a few general questions I'd like answers to. What kind of shield should you use? I have a budget limit of 500k. Any suggestions are welcome.

I've seen mems in F2P worlds wearing backpacks. These are very interesting to me. They are fascinating. The first quest I should start (I want to complete one that will allow me to wield the dragon weapon) The first P2P ability I need to work on? I am really enjoying the sara cape. I was told that the highest level monsters must be defeated in the wild arena. This monster is difficult to defeat at my level of 74. Also, do you have any tips to make money, good places to practice my combat levels, improve my abilities, etc.

What cape should you get? The cape called Skill is difficult to obtain. You'll either have to wait for months or risk your life for one. To get a Firecape you will need high skills and plenty of cash. I can make/buy Ppots. I've got 100 Sharks in bank. I have enough cash to buy crossbows and Guthan's as well as some bolts. I have 134 minutes left to complete the fire cape, as I have 6 days left of X'Mas.

My aim at skill cape is Woodcutting/Fletching/Cooking. The woodcutting is my most skilled of them, but takes a long time, Fletching being second, and Cooking being third. I have some money, but I would prefer not to spend more than 1 million. I am able to sell Guthan as well as crossbows. I can use the pots in the future or sell them later.

I've left out a few but those are members skills. What is the ideal distance between defense and attack? One instance is that strength should be at least 15 points more than defence and attack. What do YOU think? In the current market that is all werid...lol,i find myself kinda giving up on earning money for awhile and i want to get my combat skills and other abilities up, therefore my question is, what skills should I choose?

I was a member of rs3 gold a clan called "kings of horrorer", they kicked me. I made an evidence file this morning.
